للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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Sanger, Richard A. — Insurgent Era, Washington D. C. ١٩٦٧.

Sarton, George — A History of Ancient Science "Through The Golden Age of Greece", Cambridge, Massachusetts ١٩٥٩.

Schelling, Thomas C. — "The Strategy of Conflict:

Prospectus for a Reorientation of Game Theory", in: Journal of Conflict Resolution, ٢, Sep. ١٩٥٨.

Schwartz, David C. — "Toward a More Relevant and Rigorous Political Science", in: The Journal of Politics, Vol. ٣٦, No. ١, Feb. ١٩٧٤.

____ "The Ecology of Political Violence", in: Amerian Behavioural Scientist, ٢, July-Aug. ١٩٦٨.

Sharif, M.M., ed. — A History of Muslim Philosophy, Vol. II, Wiesbaden ١٩٦٦.

Sorokin, Pitirim — Society, Culture and Personality, New York ١٩٦٢.

____ Social and Cultural Dynamics, Vol. ٢, New York ١٩٣٧.

Tumanov, V.A. — Contemporary Bourgeois Legal Thought "A Marxist Evaluation of the Basic Concepts", Moscow ١٩٧٤. Van Dyke, Vernon — Political Science "A Philosophical Analysis", London ١٩٦٠.

Wasby, Stephen L. — Political Science "The Discipline and its Dimensions, An Introduction", New York ١٩٧٠.

Weber, Max — "Class, Status, Party", in: H.H. Gerth, C. Wright Mills, eds., From Max Weber "Essays in Sociology", London ١٩٦١.

____ Max Weber on The Methodology of the Social, Sciences, trans, and ed. by E. A. Shils, H. A. Finch New York ١٩٤٩.

Wensinck, R. A.J. — The Muslim Creed, Cambridge ١٩٣٢.

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