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Wali Allah, Ahmad ibn Abd ar-Rahman Shah
- A Mystical Interpretation of Prophetic Tales by an Indian Muslim-Shah Wali Allah’s Tawil al-Ahadith
Translated, with Introduction and Notes by J.M.S. Balijon
Leiden: E.J. Brill; ١٩٧٣; ix + ٦٧pp.
تأويل الأحاديث، نيو دلهي، الهند
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Translated by G.N. Jalbani
New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan: ١٩٠١: pp. ١٠٣
Lahore: Sheikh Muhammad Ashraf; ١٩٧٣; ١١٢pp.
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Ward, Seth
- A Fragment from an unknown work by Al-Tabari on the Tradition: Expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula (and the lands of Islam)
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies; ١٩٩٠; ٥٣ (٣) : pp. ٤٠٧-٢٠
وردي، عبد الله المأمون السحار - أحاديث النبيّ، لندن
Wardy, Abdullah Al-Mamuu Al-Suhar
- The Sayings of Muhammad
١st Published, London:Wisdoms of the East Series; ١٩٤١; pp. ١٢٨ (repr. USA, ١٩٩٢)