/ ١٢٩٢/ فنك
* fanatisme, sectarisme; Fanatism, sectarism
/ ٤٨٥/ التّعصّب
* Farmouni( mois egyptien ); Farmuni) Egyptian month (
/ ١٢٧٠/ فرموني
* farurdinmah( mois persan ); Farurdin- mah) persian month (
/ ١٢٧٠/ فروردين ماه
* Fausse, manger sans faire gras; False, eating without meat
/ ١٥٢٤/ المزوّرة
* Fausse monnaie; Fake of forged coin
/ ٩٢٩/ الستوقة
* Faute, oubli; Mistake, forgetting
/ ١٢٥٤/ الغلط
* Faute, peche; Mistake, sin
/ ٩٠٨/ الزّلة
* Fawen( mois egyptien ); Fawen) Egyptian month (
/ ١٢٦٣/ فاون
* Felure, fissure; Crack, fissure
/ ١٠٧٠/ الصّدع
* Feminin; Feminine
/ ١٤١٩/ المؤنّث
* Femme qui a atteint la menopause; Woman arrived to the period of menopause
/ ٧٨/ الآيسة
* Femme rebelle vis- a- vis de son mari; Insubordinate wife
/ ١٦٨٠/ النّاشزة
* Femme sans dot, Al- Mufawida( secte ); Woman without dowry, Al- Mufawida) sect (
/ ١٦١٨/ المفوّضة
* Fete de printemps; Spring day
/ ١٧٣٣/ النوروز
* Fete, manifestation; Feast, holiday, manifestation
/ ١٢٤٢/ العيد
* Fevrier; February
/ ١٠٠٤/ شباط
* Fidelite, loyaute, acquittement; Faithful- ness, loyalty, fullfilment
/ ١٨٠٠/ الوفاء
* Fievre; Fever
/ ٧٠٩/ الحمّى
* Fievre quarte; Quartan fever
/ ٨٤٢/ الرّبع
* Figure de rhetorique consistant a
commencer chaque mot par la meme lettre; Rhetorical figure formed by begin- ning every word by the same letter
/ ١٥٩٥/ المعلّى
* Figure de rhetorique consistant a n'utili- ser que les lettres avec des points diacritiques; Rhetoric figure formed by using only letters with diacritical points
/ ١٦٦٩/ الموشى
* Figure de rhetorique consistant a n'utili- ser que les lettres jointes dans l'ecriture arabe; Rhetoric figure formed by using only joined letters in the Arabic handwriting
/ ١٦٧٠/ الموصل
* Figure de style qui consiste a nommer plusieur objets et a faire accompagner chacun d'un adjectif adequat; Figure of speech consisting of naming many objects and accompanying everyone by an ade- quate adjective
/ ١٤٠٩/ اللّف والنّشر
* Figure de style qui consiste a nommer plusieurs objets et a faire accompagner chacun d'un adjectif adequat, prose; figure of speech consisting of naming many objects and accompanying every one by an adequate adjective, prose
/ ١٦٩٥/ النّشر
* Figure de trois lingnes et un point super- poses; Figure of superposed three lines and a point
/ ٢٨٦/ الأنكيس
* Figure en geomancie; Figure in geomancy
/ ١٣٠٠/ قبض الخارج
* Figure en gemancie; Figure in geomancy
/ ١٣٠٠/ قبض الداخل
* Figure en geomancie; Figure in geomancy
/ ١٥٣٦/ المسدود