* Figure en geomancie; Figure of geomancy
/ ١٧٠٠/ نصرة الدّاخل
* Figure en geomancie; Figure in geomancy
/ ١٧٢٦/ نقي الخدّ
* Figure rhetorique consistant a utiliser des lettres disjointes; Rhetoric figure formed by unsing separated letters
/ ١٦٣١/ المقطّع
* Fil a plomb; Plumbline
/ ١٠٠٢/ الشّاقول
* Fille; girl, daughter
/ ٣٤٧/ البنت
* Fille desiree par les hommes, fille de neuf ans; Desired girl by men, girl of nine years
/ ١٥٤٧/ المشتهاة
* Fin d'une hemistiche constituant le debut de l'hemistiche suivante; End of a hemistich forming the beginning of the following one
/ ١٣٦٢/ كريم الطرفين
* Fin d'un verset du Coran, fin d'un bout rime, trois ou quatre consonnes; End of a verse of Koran, end of a rhyme, three or four consonants
/ ١٢٦١/ الفاصلة
* Fin d'un verset ou d'un bout rime; End of verse or a rhyme
/ ١٢٦٢/ الفاضلة
* Finesse, intelligence, beaute; Graceful- ness, intelligence, beauty
/ ١١٤٦/ الظّرافة
* Fin, mince, subtil; Fine, thin, subtle
/ ٨٧١/ الرّقيقة
* Fin, terme, aboutissement; End, termina- tion, outcome
/ ١٧٢٩/ النّهاية
* Fissure, faille, dechirure; Fissure, crack, rift, tear
/ ١٠٣٧/ الشّق
* Flagellation, fouettement; Flogging, flagellation
/ ٥٦٩/ الجلد
* Flatulence, enflure; Flatulence, swelling
/ ١٧١٣/ النّفخة
* Flatulent; Flatulent
/ ١٦٦١/ المنفخ
* Fleche divinatiore, lot, premier intellect; Divinatory arrwow, lot, first intellect
/ ١٣٤٠/ القلم
* Fleche, portion, cosinus, Sagittaire; Ar- row, portion, cosine, sagittarius
/ ٩٨٥/ السّهم
* Fleuve, riviere; River, stream
/ ١٧٢٩/ النّهر
* Fleuve, vallee; River, valley
/ ١٧٥٠/ الوادي
* Flirt, poesie amoureuse ou erotique; Flirting, love or erotic poetry
/ ١٢٥٣/ الغزل
* Flute, lettre du bien- aime; Flute, letter of the beloved
/ ١٦٨١/ ناي
* Foi, croyance; Faith, belief
/ ٢٩٧/ الإيمان
* Foi, croyance, piete, droiture; Faith, belief, piety, righteousness
/ ٨١٣/ الدّيانة
* Folie, fragilite, faiblesse; Madness, frailty
/ ٨١٥/ ديوانگى
* Fomentation medicale; Fomentation
/ ١٧٠٣/ النطول
* Fonction; Function
/ ٢٨٢/ الانسحاب
* Fondation, institution, fondements, alif antepenultieme a la rime; Foundation, antepenultimate alif on the rhyme
/ ٣٧١/ التأسيس
* Fondement, base, argumentation, appui, introduction; Foundation, base, argu- mentation, support, introduction
/ ٩٨٤/ السّند
* Fondements de la religion; Fundamentals of the religion
/ ٢١٥/ أصول الدين
* Force, puissance; strength, force, power
/ ١٣٤٢/ القوّة
* Forces de soutien; Support forces
/ ٨٥٤/ الرّدء
* Formation, derivation, faconnement; Formation, derivation shaping
/ ١١٠٢/ الصّوغ
* Forme; Form
/ ١١٠٠/ الصورة