/ ٧٧٠/ الخيالي
موسوعة كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم ج ٢ ١٩٩٦ \ G\ ٢٠٠ siacnarF xednI\ G\ ٠٠٠ ..... ص: ١٩٥٧
٧٧٠/ الخيالي
* Imagination; Imagination
/ ١٤٣٦/ المتخيّلة
* Imagination; Imagination
/ ٣٤٧/ بنطاسيا
* imagination, representation; imagina- tion, representation
/ ٣٩٩/ التّخيّل
* Imamat; Imamate
/ ٢٥٩/ الإمامة
* Imams; Imams
/ ٧٤/ الأئمّة
* Immeuble sans fenetre; Building without a window
/ ٥٦٩/ الجمّ
* Impiete, debauche; Debauchery, impiety
/ ١٢٧٣/ الفسق
* Implication; Implication
/ ٢٣٤/ الإعنات
* Implication, inclusion; Implication, inclusion
/ ٤٦٩/ التّضمين
* Implicite, predestine; Implicit, predestined
/ ١٦٢٧/ المقدّر
* Imposition, contrainte; Imposition, constraint
/ ٢٧٣/ اميري
* Impossibilite; Impossibility
/ ٢٦٣/ الامتناع
* Impot foncier, tribut, taxe, recolte, moisson; Land tax, tribute, crop, harvest
/ ٧٤١/ الخراج
* Imprecis, cache, incertain; Inaccurate, hidden, uncertain
/ ١١٢٠/ الضّمار
* Impuissant sexuellement; sexually impotent
/ ١٢٤٢/ العنّين
* Impurete, souillure; Impurity, dirtiness
/ ١٦٨٣/ النّجس
* Imputation en prosodie; Cutting a letter or more in prosody
/ ١٧٣٧/ الهتم
* Inaccompli, present, indicatif, subjonctif; Imperfect, present tense, indicative
/ ١٥٦٠/ المضارع
* Inanime, terrain improductif, terrain
inculte sans proprietaire; Inanimate, wasteland, uncultivated land without any owner
/ ١٦٦٥/ الموات
* Incapacite, derriere, deuxieme hemisti- che, inimitabilite; Incapability, behind, second hemistich, inimitability
/ ١١٦٥/ العجز
* Incarnation, pantheisme, fusion; incama- tion, pantheism, union
/ ٧٠٦/ الحلول
* Incertain, douteux, aleatoire; Uncertain, dubious, risky
/ ١٥٥١/ المشكوك
* Inceste, gendre, parent de l'epouse; Incest, son in- law, relative of the wife
/ ٧٣٩/ الختن
* Incision; INcision
/ ٦٦١/ الحزّ
* Incitation, exhortation; Incitation, exhortation
/ ٣٩١/ التّحضيض
* Incitation, repetition; incitation, anaphora
/ ٢٣٤/ الإغراء
* Inclination; Inclination
/ ٢١٨/ الإضجاع
* Inclination; Inclination
/ ٢٥٩/ الإمالة
* Inclination; Inclination
/ ٣٤٠/ البطح
* Inclination, desir; Inclination, desire
/ ٢٣٠/ الاعتماد
* Inclination, tendance, disposition; Incli- nation, tendency, disposition
/ ١٦٧٤/ الميل
* Inconnu, invisible, inconnaissable; Un- known, invisible, unknowable
/ ١٢٥٦/ الغيب
* Inconnu, passif; Unknown, passive
/ ١٤٧٧/ المجهول
* Inconscience; State of unconsciousness
/ ٣٥٨/ بيهوشي
* Incroyant, heretique, manicheien; Here- tic, manichean, unbeliever
/ ٩١٣/ الزّنديق
* Incrustation, harmonisation; Inlaying,