للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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Frey, Frederick W. — "Cross- Cultural Survey Reaserch in Political Science", in: Robert T. Holt and John E. Turner, eds., The Methodology of Comparative Research, New York ١٩٧٠.

Friedrich, Carl J. — Man and His Government "An Empirical Theory of Politics", New York ١٩٦٣. Frohock, Fred M. — "Notes on the Concept of Politics: Weber, Easton, Strauss", in: The Journal of Politics, Vol. ٣٦, No. ٢, Gainesville Florida, May ١٩٧٤.

Gibb, Hamilton A. R. — "The Background of Ibn Khaldun's Political Theory", in: S.J. Shaw and W. R. Polk, eds., Studies on the Civilization of Islam, Boston ١٩٦٢.

Golembiewski, Robert T., et. al. — A Methodological Primer for Political Scientists, Chicago ١٩٦٩.

Gould, Julius; Kolb, William, eds. — A Dictionary of the Social Sciences, UNESCO, New York ١٩٦٤.

Greaves, H. R. G. — The Foundations of Political Theory, Second ed., London ١٩٦٦.

Hertzberg, Arthur, ed. — The Zionist Idea "A Historical Analysis and Reader", New York ١٩٦٦.

Holt, Robert T.; Turner, John E., eds. — The Methodology of Comparative Research, New York ١٩٧٠.

Hudson, W. D., ed. — The Is - Ought Question, New York ١٩٦٩. Iovchuk, M. — Philosophical Traditions Today, Moscow ١٩٧٣.

James, William — Pragmatism "and four essays from the Meaning of Truth", Cleveland and New York ١٩٦٣.

Kaplan, A. — The Conduct of Inquiry "Methodology for Behavioural Sciences", San Francisco ١٩٦٤.

Key Jr., V. O. — Politics, Parties & Pressure Groups, New York ١٩٦٤.

Mac CIosky, Herbert — Political Inquiry: The Nature and

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