للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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Uses of Survey Research, London ١٩٦٩.

MacCormick, Thomas C; Francis, Roy G. — Methods of Research in the Behavioral Sciences, New York ١٩٥٨.

Macridis, Roy C. — The Study of Comparative Government, Garden City, N. Y. ١٩٥٥.

Mahdi, Muhsin — Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History, London ١٩٥٧.

Mannheim, Karl — Ideology and Utopia "An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge", London i٩٦٠.

Marshal, T.H. — Sociology at the Crossroads, London ١٩٦٣.

Martindale, Don — Community Character and Civilization, London ١٩٦٣.

Marx, Karl — Capital "A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production", Vol. ١, Moscow ١٩٦٥.

Marx Engels — Selected Works, Vol. ١, Moscow ١٩٥٥.

Mathews, Donald R. — The Social Background of political Decision - Makers, Garden City, N. Y. ١٩٥٤.

Mathisen, Trygve — Methodology in The Study of International Relations, Oslo ١٩٥٩.

Morgenthau, Hans J. — Politics Among' Nations, New York ١٩٥٤. Myrdal, Gunar — Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Regions, London ١٩٥٧.

Nachmias, David and Chava — Research Methods in the Social Sciences, London ١٩٧٦.

Nellis, John R. — A Theory of Ideology "The Tanzanian Example", Nairobi ١٩٧٢.

Northrop, F.S.C. — The Logic of the Sciences and the Humanities, New York ١٩٤٧.

Oizerman, Theodor — Problems of The History of Philosophy, Moscow ١٩٧٣.

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