للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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- The Respones to nature in Arabic poetry. JNES ٤ (١٩٤٥) P. ١٣٧ -١٥١.

٤٢- Kister, M.J.,

- «The seven odes» , Rivista degli studi Orientali, XLIV, ١٩٧٠.

٤٣ - KOSEGARTEN (editor) .

- The Poems of the Husailis. London: Oriental Translation Fund/Greif - swald. ١٨٤٥.


- A contribution to the problem of the authenticity of the Siwan off as - Samau'al. Arch. or. ٣ (١٩٣١) P. ١٥٦ - ١٦١.

٤٥ - Kramer, S.N.,

- History begins at sumer, London, ١٩٥٨.


- Use of writing for the preservation of Ancient Arabic Poetry, (In: A volume of oriental Studies presented to Edward G.Browne) . Cambridge: University Press. ١٩٢٢. P. ٢٦١ - ١٦٨.

- The Use of writing for the Preservation of zncient Browne Festschrift, ١٩٢٢. P. ٢٦١ - ٢٦٨.

- Four Anthologies of Arabic Poetry. JRAS, ١٩٣٩, P. ٢٥٣ - ٢٦٠.

- The use off Posion by the Ancient Arabs. Islamica ٤ (١٩٣١) P. ٥٩٥ -٦٠١.

٤٧ - Krenkow, F.

- The Two oldest Books of Arabic Colklore Islamic Culture III (١٩٢٨) , pp. ٢٣٥.

٤٨ - Krenkow, F.,

- The Poems of Tufail Ibn Auf al - Ghanawi and at - Tirimmab Ibn Hakim at - Tayi, London, ١٩٢٧.

٤٩ - LEON, H.M.

- Ancient Arabian Poets. IC ٣ (١٩٢٩) P. ٤٦ - ٧٤, ٢٤٩ - ٢٧٢, ٤ (١٩٣٠) P. ١٥١ - ١٦٠, ٢٧٤ - ٢٩٠.

٥٠ - LECEftF, J.

- The Drems in Papular Culture: Arabic and Islamic. (In DHS ٣٦٥, ٣٧٩) .

٥١ - LYALL, CH. J.

- Translations of Ancient Arabian Poetry. London: Williams and No-gate, ١٩٣٠.

- Ancient Arabian Poetry as a sourse of Historical information. JRAS, ١٩١٢, P. ١٣٣ - ١٥٢.

- The Pictoreal aspects of Arabian Poetry. JRAS, ١٩١٤, P. ٦١ - ٧٣.

- The relation of the old Arabian Poetry ot the Hebrew Literature of the old Testament. JRAS, ١٩١٤, P. ٢٥٣ - ٢٦٦.

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