للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

١٧- Institute Pedagogique National (١٩٧٥) : The Organisation of Education in France. Cahier de Documentation. Jan. ١٩٧٠.

١٨- Johnson,. R. W.: Educational Progress and Retrogression in Guinea (١٩٠٠ - ١٩٤٣) . In: Brown, G. and Hiskett, M. (eds) : Conflicts and Harmony in Education in Tropical Africa. George Allen and Unwin. London.

١٩- Husain, S. and Ashraf, S. (١٩٧٩) : Crisis in Muslim Education. London Hodder and Stoughton and King Abdulaziz University. Jedda.

٢٠- Mohammed Wasiullah Khan, (ed) (١٩٨١) : Education and Society in the Muslim world. London Hodder and Stoughton.

٢١- Montessori, Maria (١٩٦٤) : Spontaneous Activity in Education Robert Bently Enc. Cambridge - Mass - U.S. A.

٢٢- Mulhern. J. (١٩٤٦) : Ahistory of Education. The Ronald Press Co.


٢٣- O Leaery. De Lacy. (١٩٣٩) : Arabic Thought and its place in History Dutton Co. Inc. N.Y.

٢٤- Reisner, E. (١٩٣١) : History Foudation of Modern Education. The, Macmillan Co. N.Y.

٢٥- Rubenstein, D. & Simon, B. (١٩٧٣) The Evolution of the Compre^ hensive School (١٩٢٦ - ١٩٧٢) Routledge & Kegan Paul London.

٢٦- Spencer, H. (١٩٤٩) : Education Intellectual, Moral and Physical Watts and Co. London.

٢٧- Tibawi, A. L (١٩٧٢) : Islamic Education, Its Traditions and Modernization into the Arab National Systems. London. Luzac and Company.

٢٨- Turner, B. (١٩٧٤) : Weber and Islam. Routledge and Kegan Paul. London.

٢٩- Ulich, R. (١٩٥٠) : History of Education Thought. American Book Co. N. Y.

٣٠- Wilks. I. (١٩٦٨) : Islamic Learning in the Western Sudan. In: Goody, J. (ed) : Literacy in Traditional Societies. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.

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