للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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[المراجع الأجنبية]


ثانيًا: المراجع الإنجليزية

١- Ahmed Shawki, Prince de poetes A.El- Gomayel "Le Caire ١٩٤٩".

٢- Allenby in Egypt: Viscount Waavell. "London ١٩٤٣) .

٣- An Introducion to the English novel: A. Kettle "London ١٩٥٣".

٤- A Premeir of Literary Criticsm: G E. Hollingwroth "Univ. Tulorial Press ١٩٤٨".

٥- Aspects of the Novel: E.M. Forster "London ١٩٤٧".

٦- The Cambride History of English Literature "Vol. ١٢".

٧- The Encyclopeadia Britammica "Vol. ٢٠".

٨- Hafiz and Shawqui: A.J. Arberry: J R A S "January ١٩٣٧ part ١".

٩- Lectures on English Poets: Wiliam Hazlitt "London ١٩٥١".

١٠- Modern Egypt: The Earl of Cromer. Vol ٢ "London ١٩٠٨".

١١- The Name and Nature of Poetry: A.E. Housman "Univ. Press, Cambridge, ١٩٤٥".

١٢- The poetic Image: C. Day Lewys "London ١٩٤٧".

١٣- Poetry and Contemplation: G.R. Hamilton.

١٤- Poetry Direct and Ablique: E.M.W. Tillyard.

١٥- "point of View: T.S Eliot "London, ٥ imp.

١٦- Reading the sohrt Story: H. Shaw and D. Bemment."New York ١٩٤١".

١٧- The Rise of the novel: I. Watt "Califoria ١٩٥٧".

١٨- Romanticism: Lascelles abercrombie "London ١٩٢٧".

١٩- Short Story Writing: S.A. Moseley "London ١٩٤٨".

٢٠- The Situation in Egypt: The Earl of Cromer "London ١٩٠٨".

٢١- The Structure of the Novel: E. Muir "London ١٩٥٤".

٢٢- Studies on th Civilization of Islam: A.R. Gibb "Lonodn١٩٦٢".

٢٣- Style: Walter Raleigh "London ١٩٦٢".

٢٤- Waht is Classic: T.S. Eliot "١٩٤٤".

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