(٢) انظر؛ A. Rousselle, ‘Body Politics in Ancient Rome,’ in G. Duby and M. Perrot, eds. A History of Women in the West, I: From ancient Goddesses to Christian Saints, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard, ١٩٩٢, p.٣١٥, D. B. Martin, The Corinthian Body, New Haven: Yale University Press, ١٩٩٥, ٢٢٩-٢٤٩ (Quoted by, Anthony C. Thiselton, The First Epistle to the Corinthians: a commentary on the Greek Text, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, ٢٠٠٠, ٨٠١) (٣) بلوتارك ٤٦م-١٢٠م: مؤرّخ يوناني وراوي تراجم, اكتسب الجنسيّة الرومانيّة أثناء حياته. (٤) Plutarch, Quoest. Rom. Xiv (Quoted by, Fre?de?ric Louis Godet, Commentary on the First Epistle of ST. Paul to the Corinthians, tr. A. Cusin, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, ١٩٥٧ , ٢/١٠٤)