proportionnels; proportional numbers
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الأعداد المتوالية/ Nombres successifs ;successive numbers / ١٣٢
الأعداد المخمسة/ Nombres pentagonaux ;pentagonal numbers / ١٣٢
Declinaison, flexion, analyse grammaticale; Declinaison, grammatical analysis
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Limite entre le paradis et l'enfer; Limit between heaven and hell
/ ٢٣٣
الأعظم/ Le plus grand ,racine ;The greatest ,root / ٣٣٢
الإعقال/ Aphasie ;Aphasia / ٣٣٢
Adoucissement d'une lettre faible; Sweeting of a weak letter
/ ٢٣٣
الإعلام/ Information ;Information / ٤٣٢
الإعنات/ Implication ;Implication / ٤٣٢
الإعياء/ Surmenage ,equisement ;Fatigue / ٤٣٢
الإغارة/ Razzia ;Raid ,razzia / ٤٣٢
الإغراء/ Incitation ,repetition ;Incitation ,anaphora / ٤٣٢
الإغراق/ Hyperbole ;Hyperbole / ٤٣٢
الإغماء/ Syncope ,evanouissement ;Syncope ,fainting / ٤٣٢
الأفاعيل/ Pieds d'un metre (prosodie) ;Feet of a metre )prosody( / ٥٣٢
الافتراض/ Hypothese ;Hypothesis / ٥٣٢
الافتراق/ Partie de l'univers ;part of the universe / ٥٣٢
الافتنان/ Zeugme ;Zeugma / ٥٣٢
أفراد/ Les trois hommes parfaits ;The Three perfect men / ٥٣٢
الإفراد/ Separation ;Separation / ٦٣٢
الأفضل/ Al -Afdal (prosodie) ;Al -Afdal (prosody) / ٦٣٢
أفعال القلوب/
Les verbes de doute et de certitude; Verbs of doubt and certitude
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أفعال المدح والذم/
Les verbes de louange et de blame; Verbs of praise and dispraise
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أفعال المقاربة/ Les verbes de l'action proche ;Verbs of near action / ٧٣٢
الأفعال الناقصة/ Les verbes incomplets ;Incomplete verbs / ٧٣٢
الأفق/ Horizon ;Horizon / ٩٣٢
الأفق المبين/
Horizon final, devoilement de la presence divine; Final horizon, unveiling of the divine presence
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الإقالة/ Cassation ,annulation ;Cassation ,annihilation ,cancelling / ١٤٢
Accomplissement de la priere, installation; Accomplishing he prayer, installation
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Planete se trouvant au meridien ou a l'ecleptique; planet in the meridian or in the ecliptic
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Citation du Coran ou de hadith; Quotation from the Koran and hadith
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La faculte d'utiliser differentes figures de style; The faculty of using many figures of speech
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الاقتران/ Preuve ,syllogisme d'analogie ;Proof ,syllogism / ٥٤٢
الاقتصار/ Concision ,brievete ;Concision ,briefness / ٥٤٢
الاقتصاص/ Emprunter ,se faire raconter ;To make somebody relate / ٥٤٢