للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

attributive; Universal concept, attributive proposition

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الكم/ Quantite ;Quantity / ١٨٣١

الكماد/ Compresse chaude ;Hot compress / ٣٨٣١

الكمال/ Perfection ;Perfection / ٣٨٣١

كنار/ Bordure ,devoilement ;Edge ,border ,unveiling / ٤٨٣١

الكناية/ Metonymie ;Metonymy ,antonomasia / ٤٨٣١

الكنه/ Essence ,substance ;Essence ,substance / ٩٨٣١

الكنود/ Ingrat ,insoumis ;Ungrateful ,refractory / ٠٩٣١

الكنية/ Surnom ,metonymie ;Surname ,metonymy / ٠٩٣١

الكوكب/ Etoile ,astre ,planete ;Star ,planet / ٠٩٣١

كوكب الصّبح/

Etoile du matin, manifestation; Morning star, manifesta- tion

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الكون/ Generation ,univers ;Generation ,universe / ٢٩٣١

الكيف/ Qualite ,modalite ;Quality ,modality / ٤٩٣١

الكيل/ Mesure de capacite ,mesurage ;Measure ,dry measure / ٦٩٣١


Chimie, satisfaction, education; Chemistry, satisfaction, education

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كيهك/ Kihic (mois egyptien) ;Kihic )Egyptian month( / ٧٩٣١

گ گبر/

Mage, manicheen, fils d'un infidele; Magus, Manichean, son of an infidel

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گرمى/ Chaleur ,chaleur de l'amour ;Heat ,heat of love / ٨٩٣١

گوهر معاني/

Essence des sens( les noms et les attributs divins ); Essence of mean- ings) Divine names and attributes (

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گيسوى/ Corde solide ;Strong rope / ٨٩٣١

ل اللاأدرية/ Agnosticisme ,scepticisme ;Agnosticism ,scepticism / ٩٩٣١

اللاحق/ Suivant ,ulterieur ;Late ,following ,next ,ulterior / ٩٩٣١


Necessaire, inherent, verbe intransitif; Necessary, inherent, intransi- tive verb

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Nature divine, esprit, theologie; Divine nature, soul, theology

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لب/ Levre ,paroles du bien -aime ;Lip ,words of the beloved / ٢٠٤١


Pulpe, ame, substance, quintessence; Pulp, soul, substance, quintessence

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Vetement, habit, equivoque, confusion; Dress, wearing, ambiguity, confusion

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اللّحن/ Erreur de langage ;Grammatical mistake / ٢٠٤١

اللذة/ Plaisir ;Pleasure / ٣٠٤١

اللّذع/ Brulure ;Burning / ٤٠٤١

اللزوجة/ Viscosite ;Viscosity / ٥٠٤١