Imam, disciple, follower
/ ١٦٢٤
Concis, al- muqtadab( metre en prosodie ); Concise, al- muqtadab) metre in prosody (
/ ١٦٢٤
Circonstance, exigence, necessite; Circumstance, requirement, necessity
/ ١٦٢٤
Declinaison, conjugaison; Declension, inflection conjugation
/ ١٦٢٦
المقدار/ Quantite ,nombre ,mesure ;Quantity ,number ,measure / ٧٢٦١
المقدّر/ Implicite ,predestine ;Implicit ,predestined / ٧٢٦١
Nombre proportionnel, premisse, condition prealable; Proportional num- ber, premise, previous condition
/ ١٦٢٨
Devant, avant- props, premisse, avant- garde de l'armee; Forepart, pre- mise, vanguard, advance gard
/ ١٦٢٩
المقرّح/ Ulceration ;Ulcerous / ١٣٦١
المقرونة بالقرائن/
Propositions admises, propositions presumees; Admitted pro- positions, presumed propositions
/ ١٦٣١
المقطع/ Syllabe ,strophe ;Syllable ,stanza / ١٣٦١
المقطّع/ Cathartique ,digestif ,purgatif ;Cathartic ,digestant / ١٣٦١
Figure rhetorique consistant a utiliser des lettres disjointes; Rhetoric figure formed by unsing separated letters
/ ١٦٣١
Coupe, proposition independante, tradition prophetique rapportee par un disciple d'un compa- nion du prophete; Cut, independant proposition, prophetic tradition told by a
follower of a companion of the prophet
/ ١٦٣٢
المقعد/ Infirme ,invalide ;infirm ,invalid / ٢٣٦١
Personne a qui on attribue peu de traditions prophetiques; Person to whom few prophetic traditions are ascribed
/ ١٦٣٢
Almucantarat, cercles paralleles a l'horizon; Circles parallel to the horizon
/ ١٦٣٢
المقول في جواب ما هو/
Essence, difference specifique; Essence, specific difference
/ ١٦٣٢
المقولة/ Categorie ;Category / ٣٣٦١
مقوّم عدد/ Nombre antecedent ;Antecedent number / ٣٣٦١
المقوّي/ Stimulant ,tonifiant ,roboratif ;Fortifying ,tonic / ٣٣٦١
المقياس/ Quantite ,echelle ,planimetre ;Quantity ,scale ,planimetre / ٣٣٦١
المقيس/ Consequence d'un principe ;Consequence of a principle / ٣٣٦١
موسوعة كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم ج ٢ ١٩٤٥ فهرس المصطلحات ..... ص: ١٨٦٧
مقيس/ Consequence d'un principe ;Consequence of a principle / ٣٣٦١
المكابرة/ Opiniatrete ,obstination ;Stubborness ,obstinacy / ٣٣٦١
المكاتبة/ Correspondance ;Correspondance / ٤٣٦١
المكالفة/ Jeu en prosodie ;Game in prosody / ٤٣٦١
المكان/ Place ,situation ;Place ,situation / ٤٣٦١
المكان/ Lieu ,espace ;Spot ,space / ٤٣٦١
مكان الكوكب/ Position d'une planete ;Position of a planet / ٦٣٦١
المكبّر/ Exagere ,exalte ;Exaggerated ,exalted / ٦٣٦١
المكتفي/ Auto -suffisant ;Self -sufficient / ٦٣٦١
المكتومون/ Saints dissimules ;Hidden