للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

* Accident, separe, abstrait; Accident, separated, abstract

/ ١٦٠٥/ المفارق

* Accidentel; Accidental

/ ١١٧٩/ العرضي

* Accomplissement de la priere, installa- tion; Accomplishing he prayer, installation

/ ٢٤١/ الإقامة

* Accord; Agreement

/ ٢٨٣/ الانعقاد

* Accord, concordance; Agreement

/ ٥٣٢/ التّوفيق

* Accord, concordance; Agreement; concord

/ ٩٧/ الاتّفاق

* Accouchement, lochies; Childbirth, deliv- ery, lochia

/ ١٧١٣/ النّفاس

* Accusatif, figure en geomancie; Accusa- tive, figure in geomancy

/ ١٦٠٧/ المفتوح

* Accusatif, verbe au subjonctif; Accusative case, subjuncctive mood

/ ١٧٠٠/ النّصب

* Achat; Purchase

/ ١٠١١/ الشّراء

* Acidification; Acifidication

/ ٣٩٢/ التحميض

* Acquisition de la science; Acquisition of science

/ ٣٩١/ التّحصيل

* Acquisition, gain; Acquisition, gain

/ ١٣٦٢/ الكسب

* Acquittement a echeance; Acquittal, settlement, discharge

/ ٧٨٣/ الدّرك

* Adam, basane; Adam, swarthy

/ ٧١/ الآدم

* Addition d'une lettre a la fin de la rime; Addition of a letter at the end of a rhyme

/ ٤٢٧/ التّسبيغ

* Addition de quelques lettres( une, deux ou trois ); Adding of some letters) one, two or three (

/ ٧٤٣/ الخزم

* Adepte d'un adepte d'un compagnon du prophete; Follower of a follower of a companion of the Prophet

/ ٣٧٨/ تبع التّابعي

* Adepte d'un chef; Follower of a chief or a guide

/ ٨٣٥/ ذو مصّة

* Adepte d'un compagnon du prophete; Follower of a companion of the Prophet

/ ٣٦٢/ التابعيّ

* Adjectif, attribut, epithete, qualification; Adjective, attribute, qualification, attributive

/ ١٧١١/ النّعت

* Adjectif comparatif; Comparative adjective

/ ١٩٠/ اسم التّفضيل

* Adjectif ou pronom, demonstratif; De- monstrative adjective or pronoun

/ ١٨٩/ اسم الإشارة

* Adjectif qualificatif; Qualifying adjective

/ ١٠٧٨/ الصّفة المشبّهة

* Adolescent, pubere; Adolescent, teenager

/ ١٥٠٨/ المراهق

* Adorateur, devot; Worshipper, devout

/ ١١٥٦/ العابد

* Adoration, devotion; Worshipping, devoutness

/ ١١٦١/ العبادة

* Adoucissement de l'accentuation, ralen- tissement; Softening of the accentuation, slowing

/ ٨٨٦/ الرّوم

* Adoucissement d'une lettre faible; Sweet- ing of a weak letter

/ ٢٣٣/ الإعلال

* Adulte, majeur; Adult, of age

/ ٣٠٨/ البالغ

* Adultere; Adultery

/ ٩١٢/ الزّنا

* Adultere, prostitution, debauche; Adul- tery, prostitution, debauchery

/ ١٢٧٤/ الفسوق

* Adverbe; Adverb

/ ١١٤٦/ الظّرف

* Afectueux, bien- aime; Affectionate, beloved

/ ١٦٦٤/ مهربان

* Affabilite, devotion; Affability, devotion