* Contraction; Contraction
/ ١٣٠٠/ القبض
* Contradiction; Contradiction
/ ١٦٥٣/ المناقضة
* Contradiction; Contradiction
/ ٥١٤/ التّناقض
* Contradition, opposition, antagonisme; Contradition, opposition antagonism
/ ٤٦٦/ التّضاد
* Contrainte; Constraint
/ ١٢٥٤/ الغصب
* Contrainte, coercition; Constraint, coercion
/ ٢٤٩/ الإكراه
* Contraire, oppose; Contrary, opposite
/ ١١١١/ الضّد
* Contraire, oppose; Contrary
/ ١٢٠٢/ العكس
* Contraire, oppose, antagoniste; Contrary, opposite, antagonist
/ ١٧٢٦/ النّقيض
* Contraire, opposition; Contrary, opposition
/ ٢٨٤/ الانعكاس
* Contrat, pacte; Contract, pact
/ ١١٩٢/ العقد
* Controle, surveillance; Control, supervision
/ ١٤١/ الإرصاد
* Convenable, approprie; Convenient, appropriate
/ ١٠٥٥/ الصّالح
* Convenance; Convenience
/ ١١٤/ الإخالة
* Convenance, accord, harmonie; Conve- nience, agreement, harmony
/ ١٦٤٦/ المناسبة
* Convenance, accord, opportunite; Suit- ability, agreement, opportunity
/ ١٨٠١/ الوفق
* Convenence; Convenience
/ ٣٩٤/ تخريج المناط
* Convention; Convention
/ ٢١٢/ الاصطلاح
* Convention; Convention
/ ٩٧/ الاتفاقية
* Conversion, divergence, obliquite; Con- version, divergence, obliquity
/ ٢٥٤/ الالتفاف
* Convoitise, avidite; Lust, greed
/ ٦٤٣/ الحرص
* Coordination des attributs, gradation; Coordination of the attributes, climax
/ ٥١٩/ تنسيق الصّفات
* Copulation, coit, action directe; Sexual intercourse, copulation, coitus, direct action
/ ١٤٢٧/ المباشرة
* Copule, lien, relation; Copula, link, relation
/ ٨٣٨/ الرّابطة
* Coquetterie, force de l'amour; Coquetry, love force
/ ١٦٨٠/ ناز
* Corbeau, corps opaque; Crow, raven, body
/ ١٢٤٨/ الغراب
* Corde solide; Strong rope
/ ١٣٩٨/ گيسوى
* Corporel, materiel; Bodily, material
/ ٥٦٦/ الجسماني
* Corps; Bodies
/ ١٠٢/ الأجسام
* Corps; Body
/ ٥٥٧/ الجرم
* Corps, chair; Body
/ ٥٦١/ الجسد
* Corps, corps infini; Body, unlimited object
/ ١٦٣٨/ الملأ
* Corps, organisme, corps corpulent; Body, organism, huge body
/ ٥٦١/ الجسم
* Correlation; Correlation
/ ٤٦٨/ التّضايف
* Correspondance; Correspondance
/ ١٦٣٤/ المكاتبة
* Corroboration de la louange par ce qui ressemble a une blame; Corroboration of a praise by a dispraise- like
/ ٣٧٤/ تأكيد المدح بما يشبه الذمّ
* Corruption; Corruption
/ ١٢٧١/ الفساد
* Corruption de l'odorat; Corruption of smell
/ ١٢٧٢/ فساد الشّمّ
* Corruption, pourboire, pot- de- vin; Cor- ruption, tip, bribe
/ ٨٦٢/ الرّشوة
* Cors, verrues; Corns, warts
/ ١٥٢٧/ المسامير
* Costume rouge raye; Red- striped suit