* Atheists; Athees
/ ١٦٣٩/ الملاحدة
* Athur( Egyptian month ); Athur) mois egyptien (
/ ٩٩/ أثور
* Atom; Atome
/ ٨٢٣/ الذّرة
* Atome, indivisible part; Atome, partie indivisible
/ ٦٠٥/ الجوهر الفرد
* Attentive examination, sounding; Exa- men attentif, sondage
/ ٩٠٦/ الزرق
* Attraction; Attraction
/ ٥٥٤/ الجذب
* Attractive( drug which draws the liquid of the body toward the surface ); Medica- ment attractif) qui attire le liquide du corps vers la surface (
/ ٥٤٤/ الجاذب
* Attribute, prophetic tradition told by a companion of the Prophet; Attribut, propos de l'epoque du prophete, tradition prophetique rapportee par un companion du prophete
/ ١٥٤٢/ المسند
* Attribute, quality, situation; Attribut, qualite, situation
/ ٦١٠/ الحال
* Attributes paradise( paradise of the heart ); Le paradis des attributs divins) paradis du coeur (
/ ٥٩٤/ جنّة الصّفات
* Attribution, cross reference; Attribution, renvoi
/ ١٩٦/ الإسناد
* Attribution of a predicate; Attribution d'un predicat
/ ٧١٦/ الحمل
* Attributive; Attributif
/ ٧١٨/ الحملي
* August; Aout
/ ٧٨/ آب
* Autumn; Automne
/ ٧٤٣/ الخريف
* Average, intermediary term; Moyenne, terme intermediaire
/ ١٧٥٢/ الواسطة العددية
* Awaking, state of conscionsness; Eveil, etat de conscience
/ ٣٥٣/ بيداري
* Axioms; Axiomes
/ ٢١٥/ الأصول الموضوعة
* Axioms; Axiomes
/ ٢٩٠/ الأوّليّات
* Axioms and postulates; Axiomes et postulats
/ ١٢٣٣/ العلوم المتعارفة
* Axioms, postulates, admitted premisses; Axiomes, postulats, premisses admises
/ ١٥٣٨/ المسلّمات
* Axis; Axe
/ ١٤٩١/ المحور
* Ay( Turkish month ); Ay) mois turc (
/ ٢٩٠/ آي
* Ayur( may in Hebrew calender ); Ayur) Mai dans le calendrier juif (
/ ٢٩٣/ اير
* Azimuth; Azimut
/ ٣٤٢/ البعد المعدّل
* Azimuth; Azimut
/ ٩٧١/ السّمت
B* B; B
/ ٣٠٥/ ب
* Babah( Egyptian month ); Babah) mois egyptien (
/ ٣٠٦/ بابه
* Bad action, forbidden act, perversion; Mauvaise action, action illicite, perversion
/ ١٦٦٣/ المنكر
* Baoni( Egyptian month ); Baoni) mois egyptien (
/ ٣٠٨/ بأوني
* Bahmanmah( Persian month ); Bahman- mah) mois perse (
/ ٣٤٨/ بهمن ماه
* Bakhun( Egyptian month ); Bakhun) mois egyptien (
/ ٣٠٦/ باخون
* Balanced and accepted poetry; Poesie equilibree et acceptable
/ ١٦٦٩/ موزون الطبع
* Balanced prose and of good harmony; Prose equilibree et de bonne harmonie
/ ١٤٤٦/ المتوازن
* Balance, scales, libra; Balance, la