* Chapter, part; Chapitre, partie
/ ١٢٣٣/ العماد
* Chapter, sectin, disjunction, season; Chapitre, section, disjonction, saison
/ ١٢٧٥/ الفصل
* Character; Caractere
/ ١١٢٤/ الطّباع
* Characteristic, property; Caracteristique, propriete
/ ٧٣٤/ الخاصيّة
* Character, nature, braveness, religion; caractere, nature, bravoure, religion
/ ٧٦٢/ الخلق
* Character, nature, humour; Caractere, nature, humeur
/ ١١٢٤/ الطّبع
* Characters, natures; Caracteres, natures
/ ١٠٤٢/ الشّمائل
* Charity tax, tithe, purety; Taxe aumo- niere, dime, purete
/ ٩٠٧/ الزكاة
* Cheating, smuggling, swindle, disguise; Fraude, escroquerie, deguisement, dol
/ ٤٠٣/ التدليس
* Chemistry, satisfaction, education; Chi- mie, satisfaction, education
/ ١٣٩٦/ كيميا
* Chief, president; Chef, president
/ ٩٥٤/ سرور
* Childbirth, delivery, lochia; Accouche- ment, lochies
/ ١٧١٣/ النّفاس
* Chime of a bell; Carillonnement de cloche
/ ١٠٩٥/ صلصلة الجرس
* Chin; Menton
/ ٩٩٦/ سيب زنخ
* Choice, freedom; Choix, liberte
/ ٧٦٦/ الخيار
* Choice, free will; Choix, libre arbitre
/ ١١٩/ الاختيار
* Chosen by God; Elus de Dieu
/ ١١٢٢/ الضنائن
* Chosen house; Domicile d'election
/ ٥٦٨/ الجلب
* Chosen, saints; Elus, saints
/ ١٧٢٤/ النّقباء
* Christians; Chretiens
/ ١٧٠٠/ النّصارى
* Chronological order, succession, chain; order chronologique, succession, enchainement
/ ٤٢٨/ التّسلسل
* Circle of declination; Cercle de declinaison
/ ٧٧٧/ دائرة الميل
* Circle of heavenly latitude; Cercle de latitude celeste
/ ٧٧٦/ دائرة العرض
* Circle of the ascendant; Cercle de l'ascendant
/ ٧٧٦/ دائرة السّمت
* Circle of the first azimuth, heavenly equator; Cercle du premier azimut, l'equateur celeste
/ ٧٧٦/ دائرة أوّل السماوات
* Circles parallel to the horizon; Almucan- tarat, cercles paralleles a l'horizon
/ ١٦٣٢/ المقنطرة
* Circle, zone, sphere; Cercle, circonfe- rence, zone
/ ٧٧٥/ الدّائرة
* Circular; Circulaire
/ ١٤٩/ الاستدارة
* Circular verse, calligramme; Poesie circu- laire, calligramme
/ ١٥٧٤/ المعتدل
* Circumference, circular poetry; Circonfe- rence, poesie circulaire
/ ١٥٠٢/ المدوّر
* Circumference, perimeter; Circonference, perimetre
/ ١٤٩١/ المحيط
* Circumlocution, tergiversation; Circonlo- cution, ambages
/ ١٦٦٥/ المواربة
* Circumstance, requirement, necessity; Circonstance, exigence, necessite
/ ١٦٢٤/ المقتضى
* Clarification; Clarification, elucidation
/ ٥٣١/ التّوضيح
* Classe, category; Classe, Categorie
/ ١١٢٥/ الطّبقة
* Clearness; Clarte
/ ٢٩٣/ الإيضاح