* Ulcer, sore; Ulcere, plaie
/ ١٣١٤/ القرحة
* Uncertain, dubious, risky; Incertain, dou- teux, aleatoire
/ ١٥٥١/ المشكوك
* Uncle, mole, beauty spot, being, exi- stence; Oncle maternel, grain de beaute, etre, existence
/ ٧٣٤/ الخال
* Undisputed prophetic tradition, noto- rious; Tradition prophetique incontestee, notoire
/ ١٥٥١/ المشهور
* Ungrateful; Ingrat
/ ١٣٧٠/ الگفور
* Ungratefulness, ingratitude; Ingratitude
/ ٥٥٢/ الجحد
* Ungrateful, refractory; Ingrat, insoumis
/ ١٣٩٠/ الكنود
* Unicity; Unicite
/ ١١٠/ الأحدية
* Unification, pun, paronomasia; Unifica- tion, calembour, paronomase
/ ٣٨٦/ التّجنيس
* Union; Union, fusion
/ ٩١/ الاتّحاد
* Union, conjunction of two stars, visit of holy places and pilgrimage; Union, conjonction de deux astres, visite des lieux saints et pelerinage
/ ١٣١٣/ القران
* Union, determination, neighbourhood; Union, determination, voisinage
/ ١٠٠/ الاجتماع
* Union, momotheism, unicity; Union, monotheisme, unicite
/ ٥٢٨/ التّوحيد
* Union of the same and the different( rhetoric figure ); Union du semblable et du different) figure rhetorique (
/ ٥٧٦/ جمع المؤتلف والمختلف
* Union of the union( gethering union and separation ); Union de l'union) cumul de l'union et de la separation (
/ ٥٧٥/ جمع الجمع
* Union with division( rhetoric figure );
Union avec division( figure de rhetorique )
/ ٥٧٥/ الجمع مع التّقسيم
* Union with god, apodicticity; Fusion avec Dieu, apodicticite
/ ٦٨٤/ حقّ اليقين
* Union with separation and division( rhetoric figure ); Union avec separation et division) figure de rhetorique (
/ ٥٧٥/ الجمع مع التفريق والتّقسيم
* Union with separation( rhetoric figure ); Union avec separation) figure de rhetorique (
/ ٥٧٥/ الجمع مع التفريق
* Unique, incomparable; Uniques, incomparables
/ ١٢٦٥/ الفرائد
* Unities; Les unites
/ ٧١/ الآحاد
* Unity, unit, union; Unite, unicite
/ ١٧٧٣/ الوحدة
* Universal; Universel
/ ١٣٧٠/ الكلّ
* Universal concept, attributive proposi- tion; Concept( universel ), proposition attributive
/ ١٣٨١/ الكلّية
* Universale; Universale
/ ٢٧١/ الأمور الاعتبارية
* Universal, general; Universel, general
/ ١٣٧٦/ الكلّي
* Universal intellect, road; Intellect univer- sel, chemin
/ ١٢٠١/ العقل الكلّ
* Universal questions; Les questions universelles
/ ٢٧٣/ الأمور الكلية
* Universal science( metaphysics ); Science universelle) metaphysique (
/ ١٢٣١/ العلم الكلّي
* Universal, unifying, general book, conci- sion, gathering, collector; Universel, unificateur, livre general, concision, ras- sembler, collecteur
/ ٥٤٥/ الجامع
* Univocal; Univoque
/ ١٤١٩/ المؤقّت
* Unjustice; Injustice
/ ١١٥٢/ الظّلم