للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

المحدث/ Galop ;Gallop / ٥٨٤١

المحدّث/ Inspire ;Inspired / ٥٨٤١


Narrateur, instruit des traditions prophetiques; Narrator, in- formed of prophetic traditions

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محدّد الجهات/ Zodiaque ;Zodiac / ٦٨٤١

المحدود/ Limite ,defini ;Limited ,defined / ٦٨٤١

المحذوف/ Supprime ,raye ;Canceled ,omitted / ٦٨٤١

المحرّف/ Altere ,deforme ;Altered ,corrupted / ٧٨٤١


Defendu, tabou, illicite, inceste; Forbidden, illicit, taboo, incest

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المحسوس/ Sensible ;Sensible / ٧٨٤١

المحضر/ Registre ;Register / ٨٨٤١

المحظور/ Proscrit ,illicite ;Prohibited ,illicit / ٨٨٤١

المحفوظ/ Regulier ,protege ,preserve ;Regular ,protected / ٨٨٤١

المحق/ Aneantissement ;Annihilation / ٨٨٤١

المحقّر/ Meprise ;Despised / ٩٨٤١

المحكك/ Gratteur ;Scratcher / ٩٨٤١

المحكم/ Precis ,exact ,juste ,solide ;Precise ,exact ,fair ,solid / ٩٨٤١

المحكّمية/ Al -Muhakimiyya (secte) ;Al -Muhakimiyya )sect( / ٩٨٤١

المحكوم عليه وبه وفيه/ Predicat ,consequent ;Predicate ,consequent / ٩٨٤١


Lieu, receptacle, circonstance; Spot, place, receptacle circumstance

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المحلّل/ Resolutif ;Resolvent / ٠٩٤١

المحمر/ Carminatif ;Carminative / ٠٩٤١

المحمّرة/ Al -Muhammara (secte) ;Al -Muhammara )sect( / ٠٩٤١

المحمول/ Predicat ;Predicate / ٠٩٤١

المحمولات/ Suppositoires ;Suppositories / ٠٩٤١

المحنة/ Souffrance ,passion ;Suffering ,passion / ٠٩٤١

المحو/ Effacement ;Erasure / ٠٩٤١

المحور/ Axe ;Axis / ١٩٤١

المحيط/ Circonference ,perimetre ;Circumference ,perimeter / ١٩٤١


Existence de deux traditions opposees; Existence of two opposite traditions

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المختم/ Decoupage ,coupure ;Cutting ,breaking / ٢٩٤١


Drogue, stupefiant, anesthesique; Drug, narcotic, anesthetic

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phonetique, phonologie, denominateur; Phonetics, phonology, denominator

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المخروط/ Cone ;Cone / ٣٩٤١

المخشن/ Qui rend rude ;Coarsener / ٥٩٤١

المخصوص/ Verbes particuliers ;Particular verbs / ٥٩٤١

المخصوصة/ Propre ,particulier ;Private ,particular / ٥٩٤١


Qui a vecu avant l'Islam et a son debut; Who lived before the Islam and saw its beginning

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المخلّع/ Poesie disloquee ;Dislocated poetry / ٦٩٤١

المخمّس/ Pentagone ;Pentagon / ٦٩٤١


Les cinq cas d'annulation de la propriete absolue; The five cases of abrogation of the absolue property

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المخيّلات/ Propositions imaginees ,