suggestions; Imaginated propositions, suggestions
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المدّ/ Extension ,allongement ;Extension ,outspread / ٧٩٤١
Orbite, trajectoire, rotation, axe, tropique; Orbit, cycle, rotation, axis, tropic
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Concordance de deux traditions prophetiques; Agreement of two prophe- tic traditions
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المدبّر/ Organisateur ;Arranger / ٠٠٥١
المدة/ Pus ,sanie ;Pus ,matter / ٠٠٥١
المدح/ Panegyrique ,eloge ,louange ;Panegyric ,praise / ٠٠٥١
المدخل/ Rang en onomancie ;Rank in onomancy / ٠٠٥١
المدد/ Renfort ,armee ;Supply ,reinforcement / ١٠٥١
Tradition prophetique qui a subi une modification; Prophetic tradition which suffered a modification
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المدرّج/ Amphitheatre ;Amphitheater / ٢٠٥١
Compagnon d'un chef spirituel; Follower of a spiritual leader
/ ١٥٠٢
المدلول/ Signifie ;Signified ,signifie / ٢٠٥١
Circonference, poesie circulaire; Circumference, circular poetry
/ ١٥٠٢
المديد/ Al -Madid (metre en prosodie) ;Al -Madid )metre in prosody( / ٣٠٥١
Signe predominant du zodiaque; Predominant sign of the zodiac
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المذكّر/ Masculin ;Masculine / ٤٠٥١
المذهب الكلامي/ Methode de la theologie rationnelle musulmane (Ka -lam) ;Method of the rational moslem theology (Kalam( / ٤٠٥١
المذي/ Sperme ;Pre -seminal fluid ,semen / ٤٠٥١
مرآة الحضرتين/
Miroir des deux realites; la necessite et la contingence, homme parfait; Mirror of the two realities; necessity and contingence, perfect man
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مرآة الكون/ Miroir de l'univers ;Mirror of the universe / ٤٠٥١
المرابحة/ Vente a pourcentage fixe ;Sale with fixed percentage / ٥٠٥١
مرآة الوجود/ Miroir de l'etre ;Mirror of being / ٥٠٥١
Eloquence, proceder par question- reponse; Eloquence, proceeding by question- answer
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مراعاة النّظير/ Respect de l'harmonie ;Respect of harmony / ٦٠٥١
Surveillance, controle, observation; Surveillance, control, obser- vation
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مراكز بحران/ Mansions de la lune ;Mansions of the moon / ٧٠٥١
المراهق/ Adolescent ,pubere ;Adolescent ,teenager / ٨٠٥١
المرّة/ Bile ;Bile ,gall / ٨٠٥١
المرتبة الإلهية/ Stade divin ;Divine stage / ٨٠٥١
المرتبة الأحدية/ Stage de l'unicite ;Stage of unity / ٩٠٥١
مرتبة الإنسان الكامل/ Stade de l'homme parfait ;Stage of perfect man / ٩٠٥١
Mot dont on a modifie le sens originel; Word of which the original meaning was modified
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