المهتوت/ La lettre t ;The letter t / ٤٦٦١
المهر/ Dot ;Dower ,dowry / ٤٦٦١
مهز/ Affection ,amour ;Affection ,love / ٤٦٦١
مهربان/ Afectueux ,bien -aime ;Affectionate ,beloved / ٤٦٦١
مهره كلكون/
Multicolore, manifestation spirituelle; Multicoloured, spiritual man- ifestation
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mot desuet, lettre sans point diacritique, nom sans trait distinctif; Outdated word, letter without diacritical point, name without special mark
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Proposition indefinie ou indeterminee; Indefinite proposition
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Mot dont une des lettes est le »hamza«; Word of which one genuine letter is the »hamza«
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Inanime, terrain improductif, terrain inculte sans proprietaire; Inani- mate, wasteland, uncultivated land with- out any owner
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المواربة/ Circonlocution ,ambages ;Circumlocution ,tergiversation / ٥٦٦١
En ligne droite, parallelisme; In straight line, parallelism
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الموازنة/ Equilibre ;Equilibrium / ٦٦٦١
Consolation, sympathie, compassion; Consolation, sympathy, compassion
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الموافق المركز/ Sphere celeste ;Celestial sphere / ٧٦٦١
الموافقة/ Conformite ,compatibilite ,concordance ;Conformity ,compatibility ,agreement / ٧٦٦١
Soutenance, entraide, escalvage; Partisanship, support, slavery
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المواليد الثلاثة/ Metal ,vegetal et animal ;Metal ,plant and animal / ٨٦٦١
الموت/ Mort ,deces ;Death / ٨٦٦١
الموجب/ Positif ,affirmatif ;Positive ,affirmative / ٩٦٦١
الموجبة/ Proposition affirmative ;Affirmative proposition / ٩٦٦١
موزون الطبع/
Poesie equilibree et acceptable; Balanced and accepted poetry
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Medicament adoucissant les ulceres; Drug smoothing the ulcers
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Figure de rhetorique consistant a n'utiliser que les lettres avec des points diacritiques; rhetoric figure formed by using only letters with diacritical points
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Figure de rhetorique consistant a n'utiliser que les lettres jointes dans l'ecriture arabe; Rhetoric figure formed by using only joined letters in the Arabic handwriting
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Pronom relatif, nom conjonctif, tradition prophetique en- chainee; Relative pronoun, conjunctive, well- joined prophetic tradition
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موصول النتائج/ Syllogisme compose ,sorite ;Composed syllogism ,sorite / ٠٧٦١
الموضع/ Endroit ,lieu ,espace ;Place ,spot ,space / ٠٧٦١
الموضوع/ Objet ,matiere ,sujet ;Object ,matter ,subject / ٠٧٦١