موضوع العلم/ Objet d'une science ;object of a science / ٠٧٦١
Metre en prosodie auquel on a epargne la suppression d'une partie; Metre in prosody of which a part was not cut
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Arrete, suspendu, detenu, contrat de possession conteste, tradition prophetique attribue exclusivement a un companion du prophete; Arrested, sus- pended, detained, disputed ownership contract, prophetic tradition ascribed only to a follower of the prophet
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Creation, invention, mot forge, neologisme, metis; Creation, invention, neologism, mongrel, mulatto
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مولى العتاقة/ Affranchisseur d'un esclave ;Emancipator of a slave / ١٧٦١
مولى الموالاة/ Maitre d'un esclave ;Master of a slave / ١٧٦١
Cheveu, manifestation divine authentique; Hair, authentic divine man- ifestation
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مي/ Vin ,gout ,jouissance ,joie ;Wine ,taste ,enjoyment ,joy / ٢٧٦١
Milieu du passage, zone, devoilement; Middle of a path, zone, unveiling
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ميان ديهي/
Terre domaniale, domaine public; Public property, public domain, no man's land
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Lice, champ, rencontre du bien- aime; Field, arena, encounter with the beloved
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الميزان/ Balance ,la balance ;Balance ,scales ,Libra / ٢٧٦١
Temps fixe, lieu de proscription; Appointed time, deadline place of pro- scription
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Mille( unite de mesure pour les distances tres variable selon les epo- ques ); Mile) unity of measure for dis- tances which varies according to epochs (
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Inclination, tendance, disposition; Inclination, tendency, disposition
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الميمونية/ Al -Maymuniyya (secte) ;Al Maymuniyya )sect( / ٧٧٦١
ن النّائبة/ Evenement ,imposition ;Event ,taxation / ٨٧٦١
النّائرة/ Lettre ajoutee ;Letter added / ٨٧٦١
النّادر/ Rare ,exeption ;Rare ,exception / ٨٧٦١
ناز/ Coquetterie ,force de l'amour ;Coquetry ,love force / ٠٨٦١
النّاسوت/ Nature humaine ;Human nature / ٠٨٦١
النّاشزة/ Femme rebelle vis -a -vis de son mari ;Insubordinate wife / ٠٨٦١
النّاطق/ Messager ;Spokesman ,massenger / ٠٨٦١
Verbe defectif, inacheve, imparfait; Defective verb, unaccom- plished, imperfect
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النّاقوس/ Cloche ,eveil ,extase ;Bell ,awakening ,ecstasy / ٠٨٦١
ناله/ Gemissement ,conversation ;Moan ,conversation / ٠٨٦١