للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

of love

/ ١٣٩٨/ گرمى

* Chambre, disque; Disk of the astrolabe

/ ٦٢٢/ الحجرة

* Chamelle de trois ou quatre ans; Three or four years camel

/ ٦٨٤/ الحقّة

* Chammelle de lait; One year old camel

/ ٩٠/ ابنة المخاض

* Chance, fortune; Chance, fortune

/ ٣١٢/ البخت

* Changement, accident, inherent, incarna- tion; Change, accident, inherent, incarnation

/ ٦١٧/ الحالّ

* Changement dans la rime; Change in the rhyme

/ ١٥١٠/ المردف

* Changement dans les pieds d'un metre; Change in the feet of a metre

/ ٤٢٢/ التّرفيل

* Changement dans les pieds d'un metre; Change in the feet of a metre

/ ٤٤٧/ التّشعيث

* Changement prosodique; Prosodic modofication

/ ٥٣٧/ الثّزم

* Changement semantique par un change- ment syntaxique du meme mot; Seman- tic change by a syntactic change of the same word

/ ٤٢٦/ التّزلزل

* Changement, transformation; Change, transformation

/ ٤٨٩/ التّغيّر

* chant, danse, audition; singing, dance, hearing

/ ٩٧١/ السّماع

* Chapitre du Coran; Chapter of the Koran

/ ٩٨٩/ السّورة

* Chapitre, partie; Chapter, part

/ ١٢٣٣/ العماد

* Chapitre, section, disjonction, saison; Chapter, sectin, disjunction, season

/ ١٢٧٥/ الفصل

* Charpente du corps; Framework of the


/ ٣٤٧/ البنية

* Chasse; Hunting

/ ١١٠٦/ الصّيد

* Chatiment, punition; Punishment

/ ١١٩٢/ العقاب

* Chaud; Hot

/ ٧٧٩/ داغ

* Chef- d'oeuvre, merveille; Masterpiece wonder

/ ١١٣٣/ الطّرفة

* Chef, guide, maitre, leader; Guide, master, leader

/ ٩٠٧/ الزعيم

* Chef, president; Chief, president

/ ٩٥٤/ سرور

* Cheikh, chef, guide, maitre; Sheik, chief, guide, master

/ ١٠٤٩/ الشّيخ

* Chemelle d'un an; One year old camel

/ ٣٤٧/ بنت المخاض

* Chemin au pied d'une montagne, proso- die; Road at the bottom of a mountain, prosody

/ ١١٨٠/ العروض

* Chemin du salut, voie droite, conversion; Way of salvation, straight way, conversion

/ ١٧٣٧/ الهداية

* Chemin, loi, loi divine; Road, way, law, religious law

/ ١٠٢٨/ الشّريعة

* Chemin plat; Flat road

/ ٩٦٠/ السّكّة

* Chemin, pont jete au- dessus de l'enfer; Road, way, bridge upon the chasm of Hell

/ ١٠٧٥/ الصّراط

* Chemin, religion, loi religieuse, Al- SUnna( la tradition du prophete Mahomet ); Road, religion, divine law, Al- Sunna) the tradition of the prophet Mohammed (

/ ٩٧٩/ السّنة

* Chemin, route; Road, way

/ ٩٢٩/ السّبيل

* Chemin, voie; Road, way

/ ١١٣٣/ الطّريق

* Cheveu; Hair

/ ١٠٣٠/ الشّعر

* Cheveu, manifestation divine authen-