للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

tique; Hair, authentic divine manifestation

/ ١٦٧٢/ موى

* Chifat( Fevrier dans le calendrier Juif ); Shifat) February in Hebrew calender (

/ ١٠٣٧/ شفط نام

* Chimerique, illusoire, imaginaire, fictif; Illusory, chimerical, imaginary, fictitious

/ ١٨٠٩/ الوهميّ

* Chimie, satisfaction, education; Chemis- try, satisfaction, education

/ ١٣٩٦/ كيميا

* Chirurgie; Surgery

/ ١٠٠٨/ الشّجّ

* Choix, liberte; Choice, freedom

/ ٧٦٦/ الخيار

* Choix, libre arbitre; Choice, free will

/ ١١٩/ الاختيار

* Chose elle- meme, objet meme; Thing itself, object itself

/ ١٧٢٠/ نفس الأمر

* Chose, objet; Thing, object

/ ١٠٤٧/ الشّيء

* Chose sacree, tabou, interdiction; Holy thing, taboo, prohibition

/ ٦٦٠/ الحرمة

* Chretiens; Christians

/ ١٧٠٠/ النّصارى

* Chute de la septieme consonne( en prosodie ); Fall of the seventh consonant) in prosody (

/ ١٣٦٧/ الكفّ

* Chute, descente; Descent

/ ٢٧٦/ الانحطاط

* Cible, cote, direction, temple de la Mecque; Polestar, side, direction, temple of Kaaba

/ ١٣٠٠/ القبلة

* Ciel, zodiaque; Heaven, zodiac

/ ٩٧١/ السّماء

* Cil; Eye- lash

/ ١٥٢٤/ مژة

* Cinquieme; The fifth

/ ٧٣٥/ الخامسة

* Cinq universaux( Isagoge ); The five universals) Isagoge (

/ ١٣٨١/ الكلّيات الخمس

* Circonference, perimetre; Circumference, perimeter

/ ١٤٩١/ المحيط

* Circonference, poesie circulaire; Circum- ference, circular poetry

/ ١٥٠٢/ المدوّر

* Circonlocution, ambages; Circumlocu- tion, tergiversation

/ ١٦٦٥/ المواربة

* Circonstance, exigence, necessite; Cir- cumstance, requirement, necessity

/ ١٦٢٤/ المقتضى

* Circulaire; Circular

/ ١٤٩/ الاستدارة

* Cire, bougie, rayon, chandelle, lumiere divine; Wax, candle, ray, divine light

/ ١٠٤٣/ الشّمع

* Citation du Coran ou de hadith; Quota- tion from the Koran and hadith

/ ٢٤٢/ الاقتباس

* Clarification, elucidation; Clarification

/ ٥٣١/ التّوضيح

* Clarte; Clearness

/ ٢٩٣/ الإيضاح

* Clarte, illumination; Clearness, illumination

/ ١١٢٢/ الضّياء

* Classe, categorie; Classe, category

/ ١١٢٥/ الطّبقة

* Clin d'oeil, emanation; Wink, emanation

/ ١٢٥٥/ غمزة

* Clin d'oeil, manifestation divine; Wink, divine manifestation

/ ١٣٦٢/ كرشمه

* Cloche, eveil, extase; Bell, awakening, ecstasy

/ ١٦٨٠/ النّاقوس

* Cloture, epilogue, fin; Closing, epilogue, end

/ ٧٣٩/ الختام

* Coeur, fond, bravoure, metathese; Heart, bottom, courage, metathesis

/ ١٣٣٤/ القلب

* Coexistence, concomitance, connexion; Coexistence, concomitance, accompaniment

/ ١٦٠١/ المعيّة

* Coincidence; Coincidence

/ ١٥٦٤/ المطابقة

* Coincidence, jonction, tangence, inter-