est vraie, l'autre est fausse ); Sophist, alternative propositions( one is true, the other is false (
/ ١٢٣٩/ العنادية
* Sorcellerie, magie; Witchcraft, magic
/ ٩٩٤/ سيميا
* Sortie, exode; Exit, exodus
/ ٧٤٣/ الخروج
* Sottise, legerete; Stupidity, lightness
/ ٩٥٨/ السّفه
* Souffrance, passion; Suffering, passion
/ ١٤٩٠/ المحنة
* Soufisme( mysticisme ); Soufism) mysticism (
/ ٤٥٦/ التّصوّف
* Souhait; Wish
/ ٥٠٩/ التّمنّي
* Soupcon, suspicion; Suspicion
/ ١٠٠٥/ الشّبهة
* Soupcon, suspicion, opinion, idee, pre- somption; Suspicion, opinion, idea, pre- sumption, assumption
/ ١١٥٣/ الظّن
* Souplesse, flexibilite; Flexibility, suppleness
/ ١٤١٨/ اللّين
* Source de la vie; Source of life
/ ١٢٤٤/ عين الحياة
* Soustraction; Substraction
/ ١١٣٠/ الطّرح
* Soutenance, entraide, escalvage; Parti- sanship, support, slavery
/ ١٦٦٨/ الموالاة
* Souvenir, renommee; Remembrance, reputation
/ ٨٢٥/ الذّكر
* SPASME, Crispation; Spasm, crispation
/ ٤٤٩/ التّشنج
* Spatialisation( occuper un espace ); Spa- tialization) to occupy a space (
/ ٣٩٤/ التحيّز
* Spectre, fantome, vision, apparition, fantasme, hallucination; Spectre, ghost, vision, fantasy, hallucination
/ ٧٧٠/ الخيالات
* Speculation, concurrence, echange; Spec- ulation, competition, exchange
/ ١٥٥٩/ المضاربة
* Sperme; Pre- seminal fluid, semen
/ ١٥٠٤/ المذي
* Sperme; Sperm
/ ١٦٦٣/ المني
* Sperme; Sperm
/ ١٧٧٧/ الودي
* Sphere celeste; Celestial sphere
/ ١٣٦١/ كرة الكوكب
* Sphere celeste; Celestial sphere
/ ١٦٥٤/ منتهى الإشارات
* Sphere celeste; Celestial sphere
/ ١٦٦٧/ الموافق المركز
* Spirituel; Spiritual
/ ٨٨٥/ روحاني
* Spontaneite, improvisation; Spontaneity, improvisation
/ ٣١٨/ بديهة
* Stabilite, permanence; Stability, permanence
/ ٥٣٦/ الثّبات
* Stable, permanent, etoiles fixes, immu- able; Stable, permanent, fixed stars
/ ٥٣٦/ الثّابت
* Stade de l'homme parfait; Stage of perfect man
/ ١٥٠٩/ مرتبة الإنسان الكامل
* Stade divin; Divine stage
/ ١٥٠٨/ المرتبة الإلهية
* Stade, position; Level, stage, position
/ ١٦٢٣/ المقام
* Stage de l'unicite; Stage of unity
/ ١٥٠٩/ المرتبة الأحدية
* Stature, devotion; Stature, devotion
/ ١٢٩٩/ قامت سزاي
* Stimulant, tonifiant, roboratif; Fortifying, tonic
/ ١٦٣٣/ المقوّي
* Stupeur, distraction; Stupor, distraction
/ ٨٣٢/ الذّهول
* Stupidite, idiotie; Stupidity, idiocy
/ ١١٦٤/ العته
* Style, maniere; Style, manner
/ ١٠٥٢/ شيوه
* Subjectif( qui appartient au sujet de la phrase ); Subjective) belonging to the subject of the sentence (
/ ٨٣/ الابتدائي
* Substance, essence; Substance, essence