/ ٦٠٢/ الجوهر
* Substances superieures( corps celestes et esprits ); Superior substances) heavenly bodies and spirits (
/ ٦٠١/ الجواهر العلوية
* Substitues; Substituted
/ ٨٧/ الأبدال
* Substitution; Substitution
/ ٨٦/ الإبدال
* Substitution, inversion; Substition, hester- on porteron,
/ ٣٧٧/ التّبديل
* Subtilisation; Subtilisation
/ ٢٨٣/ الإنضاج
* Succession, hadith attribue a un compa- gnon du prophete; Succession, hadith attributed to a companion of the prophet
/ ٥٢١/ التّواتر
* Succession, synonymie; Succession, synonymy
/ ٤٠٦/ الترادف
* Sucement, onomancie, art devinatoire; Sucking, onomancy, fortune telling
/ ٨٦٢/ الرّشف
* Suintement, exsudation, suage; Oozing, sweating, exudation
/ ١١٧٩/ العرق المدني
* Suites; Sequences
/ ١٤١٤/ اللّواحق
* Suivant, ulterieur; Late, following, next, ulterior
/ ١٣٩٩/ اللاحق
* Sujet, agent; Subject, agent
/ ١٢٦١/ الفاعل
* Sultan du monde; Sultan of the world
/ ٩٦٨/ سلطان جهان
* Supension de la transitivite d'un verbe, suspension du renvoi( Isnad ); Supension of the transitivity of a verb, suspension of the reference) Isnad (
/ ٤٨٨/ التعليق
* Superficie, alteration, art de predire l'avenir, voyance; Area, alteration, art of predicting the future, clairvoyance
/ ٥٠٤/ التّكسير
* Superficie, etendue; Area, space
/ ١٥٢٥/ المساحة
* Superficie, quadrilatere, parallelo- gramme; Area, surface, quadrilateral, parallelogram
/ ١٥٣٧/ المسطّح
* Superflu( en prosodie ); Superfluous) in prosody (
/ ١٥٣٢/ المستزاد
* Superiorite zodiacale; Zodiacal superiority
/ ١٧٤/ الاستيلاء
* Supplement, surplus, butin, batard; Sup- plement, surplus, spoils, booty, bastard
/ ١٧٢١/ النّفل
* Support unique de toute connaissance; lonely support of all knowledge
/ ١٥٣٥/ مستند المعرفة
* Suppositoires; Suppositories
/ ١٤٩٠/ المحمولات
* Suppression, cuisse; Cancelling, thigh
/ ٩٠٨/ الزّلل
* Suppression de deux syllabes( en proso- die ); Suppression of two syllables) in prosody (
/ ١١٩٣/ العقص
* Suppression de deux voyelles( en proso- die ); Fall of two vowels) in prosody (
/ ١٣٣٤/ القطف
* Suppression de plusieurs syllabes( en prosodie ); Fall of many syllables) in prosody (
/ ١٣٢٢/ القصم
* Suppression d'une lettre( en prosodie ); Cutting a letter) in prosody (
/ ١١٤٣/ الطّي
* Suppression d'une lettre en prosodie; Cutting of a letter in prosody
/ ١٨٠٢/ الوقص
* Suppression d'une syllable( en prosodie ); Suppression of a syllable) in prosody (
/ ١١٨٥/ العضب
* Suppression d'une voyelle; Suppression of a vowel
/ ١١٨٢/ العصب