* Conduct, deduction, conclusion; Conduite, deduction, conclusion
/ ٩٩٤/ البعيد
* Cone; Cone
/ ١٤٩٣/ المخروط
* Confession; Aveu
/ ٢٤٦/ الإقرار
* Confidence in God, handing in every- thing to God; Remise a Dieu, confiance en Dieu
/ ٥٣٣/ التّوكّل
* Confirmation; Confirmation
/ ٩٨/ الإثبات
* Confirmation, agreement, accordance; Confirmation, accord, concordance
/ ١٤٣٣/ المتابعة
* Confirmation by resorting to principles; Confirmation par le recours aux principes
/ ١٠٤٤/ شهادة الأصول
* Confiscation; Confiscation
/ ٣٦٥/ تاراج
* Conflict between literal and moral; Conflit entre litteral et moral
/ ١٦٨٦/ النّزاع اللّفظي والمعنوي
* Confluence of the two seas( Persian sea and the Mediterranean ), meeting of the contingent and the necessary; Confluent des deux mers) mer perse et mer medi- terranee (, rencontre du contingent et du necessaire
/ ١٤٧٣/ مجمع البحرين
* Conformity, compatibility, agreement; Conformite, compatibilite, concordance
/ ١٦٦٧/ الموافقة
* Confusion due to a homonymy; Confu- sion due a une homonymie
/ ١٤١٩/ المؤتلف والمختلف
* Conjugation, syntax; Conjugaison, syntaxe
/ ٤٥٥/ التّصريف
* Conjunction; Conjonction
/ ١١٩١/ عطف النّسق
* conjunction, contact, communication; conjonction, contact, communication
/ ٧٣٥/ خالي السّير
* Conjunctive, communicating, linked; Conjonctif, communicant, joint
/ ١٤٤٢/ المتّصل
* Conjunctive sentences; Phrases conjonctives
/ ٢٩٣/ إيراد المعطوفات
* Conjunctivitis; Conjonctivite
/ ١٧٧٦/ الوردينج
* Conjunctivitis; Conjonctivite
/ ٨٧٣/ الرّمد
* Connection, relationship; Rapport, relation
/ ٤٨٨/ التعلّق
* Connoisseur, initiated; Connaisseur, initie
/ ١١٥٧/ العارف
* Conscience, affectivity, intuition; Cons- cience, affectivite, intuition
/ ١٧٥٨/ الوجدان
* Consensus, unanimous agreement; Consensus, accord unanime
/ ١٠٣/ الإجماع
* Consent, acceptance; Consentement, acceptation
/ ١٣٠١/ القبول
* Consequence of a principle; Consequence d'un principe
/ ١٦٣٣/ المقيس
* Conservation; Conservation
/ ٩٦٥/ السّلامة
* Consignment, deposit; Consignation
/ ٢٦٢/ الأمانة
* Consignment, deposit; Consignation
/ ٢٩٣/ الإيداع
* Consolation, sympathy, compassion; Consolation, sympathie, compassion
/ ١٦٦٧/ المواساة
* Consonant; Consonne
/ ١٠٥٦/ الصّامت
* Constancy, duration, perpetuity; Cons- tance, duree, perpetuite
/ ٨٠٩/ الدّوام
* Constancy, the being, the existence, verifacation; Constance, l'etre, affirma-