للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

tion, l'existence, veerification

/ ٥٣٦/ الثّبوت

* Constellation; Constellation

/ ٦١٨/ الحامل

* Constipation; Constipation, arret

/ ١٠٧/ الاحتباس

* Constraint; Contrainte

/ ١٢٥٤/ الغصب

* Constraint, coercion; Contrainte, coecition

/ ٢٤٩/ الإكراه

* construction; Construction

/ ٣٤٤/ البناء

* Consultation, appreciation; Consultation, appreciation

/ ١٧٠/ الاستفتاء

* Consumption, phthisis; Phtisie

/ ٨١٨/ ذات الصّدر

* Contagious disease; Maladie contagieuse

/ ١٥١٢/ المرض المتعدي

* Contiguous walls; Contiguites des murs

/ ٩٧/ اتصال الملازقة

* Contingency; contingence

/ ٢٦٧/ الإمكان

* Continuation, continuous action in the ablutions; Continuation, action suivie dans les ablutions

/ ١٨٠٥/ الولاء

* Contour, perimeter, tropic, orbit; Contour, perimetre, tropique, orbite

/ ٧٧٤/ الدّائر

* contraction; contraction

/ ١٠٧٧/ الصّغير

* Contraction; Contraction

/ ١٢٩/ الإدغام

* Contraction; contraction

/ ١٣٠٠/ القبض

* Contract, pact; Contrat, pacte

/ ١١٩٢/ العقد

* Contradiction; Contradiction

/ ١٦٥٣/ المناقضة

* contradiction; Contradiction

/ ٥١٤/ التّناقض

* Contradition, opposition antagonism; Contradition, opposition, antagonisme

/ ٤٦٦/ التّضاد

* Contrary; Contraire, oppose

/ ١٢٠٢/ العكس

* Contrary, opposite; Contraire, oppose

/ ١١١١/ الضّد

* Contrary, opposite, antagonist; Contraire, oppose, antagoniste

/ ١٧٢٦/ النّقيض

* Contrary, opposition; Contraire, opposition

/ ٢٨٤/ الانعكاس

* Contreversialist, contender; Polemiste, conversiste

/ ١٤٥٥/ المجادل

* Control, supervision; Controle, surveillance

/ ١٤١/ الإرصاد

* Controversy, dialectic; Polemique, dialectique

/ ٥٥٣/ الجدل

* Convenience; Convenance

/ ١١٤/ الإخالة

* Convenience; Convenence

/ ٣٩٤/ تخريج المناط

* Convenience, agreement, harmony; Convenance, accord, harmonie

/ ١٦٤٦/ المناسبة

* Convenience, aptness; Pertinence, convenance

/ ١٦٣٨/ الملائمة

* Convenient, appropriate; Convenable, approprie

/ ١٠٥٥/ الصّالح

* Convention; Convention

/ ٢١٢/ الاصطلاح

* Convention; Convention

/ ٩٧/ الاتفاقية

* Conversion, divergence, obliquity; Conversion, divergence, obliquite

/ ٢٥٤/ الالتفاف

* Cool, indulgence, patience, clemency, magnanimity; Sang- froid, mansuetude, patience, indulgence, clemence, magnanimite

/ ٧٠٦/ الحلم

* Coordination of the attributes, climax; Coordination des attributs, gradation

/ ٥١٩/ تنسيق الصّفات

* Copula, link, relation; Copule, lien, relation

/ ٨٣٨/ الرّابطة

* Coquetry. love force; coquetterie, force de l'amour

/ ١٦٨٠/ ناز