* Grammatical mistake; Erreur de langage
/ ١٤٠٢/ اللّحن
* Grandfather; Grand- pere
/ ٥٥٢/ الجدّ
* Grandson, great- grandson; Petit- fils et arriere petit- fils
/ ١٦٨٢/ نبيرة أول ودوّم وسوّم
* Grapevine; Vignoble, olivaie
/ ١٣٦٢/ الكرم
* Grateful even in calamity; Reconnaissant meme en malheur
/ ١٠٤١/ الشّكور
* Grazing cattle; Betail au paturage
/ ٩٢١/ السّائمة
* Great, contraction; Grand, contraction
/ ١٣٥٩/ الكبير
* Great decrease in prosody; Diminution considerable en prosodie
/ ١٧٣٠/ النّهك
* Greatness, dimension, measure; Gran- deur, dimension, mesure
/ ١١٩٢/ العظم
* Greatness, magnificence, splendour, the Venerated( God ); Grandeur, magnifi- cence, splendeur, le Venere) Dieu (
/ ٥٦٨/ الجلال
* Green- striped suit; Habit vert raye
/ ٧٤٦/ الخضراء
* Grill; Grillade
/ ١٣٥٨/ كباب
* Groupe of people, crowd, addition, sum, plural, union; Groupe de gens, foule, addition, somme, pluriel
/ ٥٧١/ الجمع
* Growth, increase; Croissance, accroissement
/ ١٧٢٨/ النّموّ
* Guarantee, bail; Garantie, caution
/ ١٣٦٨/ الكفالة
* Guarantee of a pledge; Garantie d'un gage
/ ١١٢١/ ضمان الرّهن
* Guarantee of payment at delivery; Ga- rantie de paiement a la delivrance
/ ١١٢١/ ضمان الدّرك
* Guarantee of sale; Garantie de vente
/ ١١٢١/ ضمان المبيع
* Guarantee, surety; Garantie, caution
/ ١١٢٠/ الضّمان
* Guessing the missed letters; Deviner les lettres retranchees
/ ٢٢٥/ إظهار المضمر
* Guide, master, leader; Chef, guide, maitre, leader
/ ٩٠٧/ الزعيم
* Guilt, mistake, sin; Culpabilite, faute, peche
/ ٨٢٧/ الذّنب
H* Habit; Habitude
/ ١١٥٦/ العادة
* Hadith beginning by that; Hadith commen ٥ ant par que
/ ١٤٢٠/ المؤنّن
* Hadith reported by two or three men; Hadith rapporte par deux ou trois personnes
/ ١١٨١/ العزيز
* Haemorrhage; Hemorragie cerebrale
/ ٢٨٤/ الانفتاح
* Haemorrhage, bleeding; Hemorragie
/ ١١١٢/ الضّرر
* Haemorrhoids; Hemorroides
/ ٣٤٨/ البواسير
* Hailstone, indigestion; Grelon, indigestion
/ ٣٢١/ البردة
* Hair; Cheveu
/ ١٠٣٠/ الشّعر
* Hair, authentic divine manifestation; Cheveu, manifestation divine authentique
/ ١٦٧٢/ موى
* Half, meridian; Moitie, meridien
/ ١٧٠٠/ النّصف
* Hand, power; Main, puissance
/ ٧٨٤/ دست
* Handshake, shaking hands; Serrement des mains
/ ١٥٥٤/ المصافحة والتّصافح