/ ١٣٦٠/ الكثافة
* Thing itself, object itself; Chose elle- meme, objet meme
/ ١٧٢٠/ نفس الأمر
* Thing, object; Chose, objet
/ ١٠٤٧/ الشّيء
* Thinness, growing thin, marasmus, ca- chexia; Maigreur, amaigrissement, ma- rasme, cachexie
/ ١٧٤٠/ الهزال
* Thought, reflection; Pensee, reflexion
/ ١٢٨٤/ الفكر
* Three or four years camel; Chamelle de trois ou quatre ans
/ ٦٨٤/ الحقّة
* Throne; Trone
/ ١١٧١/ العرش
* Thrush, mouth, ulcer, aphtha; Aphte, ulceration de la bouche
/ ١٣٣٤/ القلاع
* Thunderbolt; Foudre
/ ١٠٥٣/ الصّاعقة
* Tibath( a month in Hebrew calender ); Tibath) mois du calendier juif (
/ ١١٤٣/ طيبث
* Time; Temps
/ ١٤٤٧/ المتى
* Time; Temps
/ ١٨٠١/ الوقت
* Time, century, age, period, eternity, millennium; Temps, siecle, age, epoque, eternite, millenaire
/ ٧٩٩/ الدّهر
* Time, moment; Temps, moment
/ ٩٠٩/ الزّمان
* Time, moment, duration; Temps, mo- ment, duree
/ ٧٢٨/ الحين
* Time, now, present; Temps, maintenant, present
/ ٧٤/ آن
* Time of immaturity; Temps d'immaturite
/ ٨٣/ الابتداء الكلّي
* Tir mah( Persian month ); Tir mah) mois persan (
/ ٥٣٥/ تير ماه
* Tishri( october in Hebrew calender ); Tichri) octobre dans le calandrier juif (
/ ٤٤٥/ تشرى
* Title; Titre
/ ١٢٤١/ العنوان
* To be dangerously wounded; Etre blesse gravement
/ ١٣٧/ الارتثاث
* To invert a proportion; Inverser la proportion
/ ١٣٤٠/ قلب النّسبة
* To make somebody relate; Emprunter, se faire raconter
/ ٢٤٥/ الاقتصاص
* To make something hexagonal; Rendre hexagonal
/ ٤٢٨/ التّسديس
* Tongue, language, eloquence, perfect man; Langue, langage, eloquence, homme parfait
/ ١٤٠٦/ اللّسان
* Toothpick, toothpaste; Curedent, dentifrice
/ ٩٨٥/ السّنون
* Total, result, product, remainder; Total, resultat, produit, reste
/ ٦١٠/ الحاصل
* Touch, contact; Toucher, contact
/ ١٤١٣/ اللّمس
* Touth( Egyptian month ); Touth) mois egyptien (
/ ٥٢٧/ توث
* Tower, constallation, Zodiac; Tour, cons- tallation, signes du zodiaque
/ ٣٢٠/ البرج
* To witch by magic; Enchanter par la magie
/ ١٢٦٣/ فتح الباب
* Trade; Commerce
/ ٣٨١/ التجارة
* Tradition, imitation; Tradition, imitation
/ ٥٠٠/ التّقليد
* Transcendental principles( heavenly souls and intellects ); Principes transcen- dentaux) ames, intellects celestes (
/ ١٤٢٧/ المبادئ العالية
* Transference of a debt to a third; Transfert d'une creance sur un tiers
/ ٧٢٠/ الحوالة
* Transfiguration; Transfiguration
/ ٩٤٥/ سرائر