للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة
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مسار الصفحة الحالية:



١— Ackerman, Edward A. «The Koppen Classification oF Climates in North America*, Geog. Rev., Vol. .٣١, pp. ١٠٥— ١١١, ١٩٤١.

٢- Bailey. Harry P. · A Simple moisture Index based Upon a Primary law of Evaporation". Geografiska Annaler, ١٩٥٨. Hafte ٣-٤, pp. ١٩٦-٢١٥.

٣ — «A method of determining the Warmth and Temperateness of Climate, «Geografiska Annaler, ١٩٦٠ No,١-١٦.

٤— Blair, Thomas A. -Weather Elements-. ٣d. ed Prentice Hall, Inc. New York. ١٩٤٨.

٥— " Climatology, General and Regional, "Prenlice Hall Inc., ١٩٤٢.

٦ - Brooks, C. E. P, -Climate. Ernest Benn, Ltd , London, ١٩٢٩.

٧— Byers, Horace Robert. · General meteorolgy r. McQraw- Hill Book Company, Inc. New York, ١٩٤٤.

٨— Cain, Stanley A " Foundations of Plant Geography. Harper & Brother, New York, ١٩٤٤,

٩— Conrad, V. "Fundamentals of Physical Climatology", Harvard University, Blue Hill Meteorolgical observa. tory. Mutton, Mass, ١٩٤٢.

١٠— Cotton, C. A. "Landscape as developed by the Processes of normal erosion". John wiley & Sons, Inc., New York ١٩٤٨

١١— Volcanoes as landscape Forms., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, ١٩٥٢

١٢— Davis, W. M, "Geographical Essays". Ginn & Comp., Boston, ١٩٠٩.

١٣— Finch Vernor C. & others: Elements of Geography Physical and Cultural, McGraw— Hill Co., Inc. ٤th, ed. New York, ١٩٥٧.

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