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١١ ... paying with plastic p.(٩)

١٢ ... [European Commission (١٩٩٨), "Proposal for European Parliament and Council Directives on the taking up, the pursuit and the prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institution", Brussels, COM (٩٨) (٧٢٧), PP.w.].

١٣ ... " [European Central Bank (١٩٩٨), "Report on Electronic Money", Frankfurt, Germany, August, P. (٧).].

١٤ ... RENAUDIN (P.), op. cit., p. (١٥)

١٥ ... ian lindse, "Credit Card: the Authoraive Guide to Credit and Payment Cards", Rushmera Wyhne, Englan, ١٩٩٤, P.(١٣٥).

١٦ ... ian lindse, "Credit Card: the Authoraive Guide to Credit and Payment Cards", Rushmera Wyhne, Englan, (١٩٩٤), P.(١٣٥).

١٧ ... ian lindse, "Credit Card: the Authoraive Guide to Credit and Payment Cards", Rushmera Wyhne, Englan, (١٩٩٤), P.(١٣٥).

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