للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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[الحادي عشر: ترجمة عن الكتب الأجنبية الآتية]

م ... اسم المصدر

١ ... [European Commission (١٩٩٨), "Proposal for European Parliament and Council Directives on the taking up, the pursuit and the prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institution", Brussels, COM (٩٨) (٧٢٧), PP.w.]. .

٢ ... [Bank for International settlements (BIS), (١٩٩٦), "Implication for central banks of the development of electronic money, Basle, P. (١٣).].

٣ ... " [European Central Bank (١٩٩٨), "Report on Electronic Money", Frankfurt, Germany, August, P. ٧.].

٤ ... عن aspects jurdiques de la banque a domicile et du telepaiement, rapport du groupe de travail du comite consultative du conseil national du crebit, point ٢.٢.٢.(b), droit de l,informatique et des telecoms, (١٩٩/٣),p.(٧٨).

٥ ... Sedallian, op. cit, p.(٢٢٢). n

٦ ... voix, lmage et protection des donnees personnelles, apport de la CNil (Commite National d information et Libete) (١٩٩٦), La Documentation Francaise.

٧ ... Sedallian, op.cit, p.(٢٣١).

٨ ... Cass. Civ, ler, (١٤) juin (١٩٨٨), Droit de l informatique et des Telecoms, (١٩٩٠), (٢),p.(٤٩), note j. huet.

٩ ... Cardit Card Nation by Robert. D. Manning, Basic Books New. York, U.S.A. (٢٠٠٠).

١٠ ... : www.ehow.co.uk/list_٦١٢٨٠٤٨_pros-cons-cash-machines-atms.html

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