للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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- Hays, P. L. "١٩٧٢". A study of the relationship of a measure of self -actualization to resident counselor effectiveness. Dissertation Abstracts International, ٣٢ "٨A", ٤٣٤٩.

- Head, W. A. "١٩٦٢". Sociodrama and group discussion with institutionalized delinquent adolescents. Mental Hygiene, ٤٦, ١٢٧-١٣٥.

- Herr, Edwin L. "١٩٩١". Challenges to mental health counselors in a dynamic society: Macrostrategies in the profession. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, ١٣, ١, ٦-٢٠.

- Hershenson, David B. "١٩٩٠". Mental health counselor education in Australia. Journal of Meatal Health Counseling, ١٢, ٢, ١٧٥-١٨٥.

- Hershenson, David B. "١٩٩٣". Health development as the basis for mental health counseling theory. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, ١٥, ^'٤٣٠ - ٤٣٧.

- Hershenson, David and others "١٩٨٩". Mental health counseling theory: Present status and Future prospects. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, ١١, ١,٤٤-٦٩.

- Hett, Geoffrey G. & Rose, Christopher "١٩٩١". Counselling children of divorce: A divorce lifeline programme. Canadian Journal of Counselling, ٢٥, ١, ٢٨-٤٩.

- Hewer, V. H. "١٩٦٣". What do theories of vocational choice mean to a counselor? Journal of Counseling Psychology, ١٠, ١١٨-١٢٥.

- Hickey, T. "١٩٦٩". Psychological rehabilitation of the normal elderly. Mental Hygiene, ٥٣, ٣٦٩-٣٧٤.

- Hicks, G. J. "١٩٧٢". The effects of short - term group counseling on the interpersonal behaviors of urban teacher education students. Dissertation Abstracts International, ٣٢ "٧A", ٣٨٤٠.

? Hilgard, E.R. "١٩٤٩". Human motives and the concept of the self. American Psychologist, ٤, ٣٧٤-٣٨٢.

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