للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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- Cohn, B. and others "١٩٦٠". Roles played by adolescents in an unproductive counseling group. Personnel & Guidance Journal, ٣٩, ٧٢٤ -٧٣١.

- Cohn, B. and others "١٩٦٣". Group counseling: An orientation. Personnel & Guidance Journal, ٤٢, ٣٥٥ - ٣٥٨.

- Coleman, James "١٩٧٢". Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life "٤th Ed.". Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman & Co.

- Collier, Helen "١٩٨٢". Counseling Women: A Guide to Therapists. New York: Free Press.

- Collison, Brooke B. "١٩٩١". Counseling in the twenty - first century. In Capuzzi & Gross "١٩٩١", p. ٤٦٩ - ٤٨٦.

- Corey, Gerald "١٩٩١". Invited commentary on macrostrategies for delivery of mental health counseling services.Journal of Mental Health "Counseling, ١٣,١,٥١ -٥٧.

- Costa, Luan & Stiltner, Barbara "١٩٩٤". Why do the good things always end and the bad things go on forever: A family change counseling group. School Counselor, ٤١,٤,٣٠٠-٣٠٤.

- Cronbach, L. J. "١٩٧٠". Essentials of Psychological Testing "٣rd Ed.". New York: Harper & Row.

- Daly, E. M. "١٩٧١". A theory for the vocational counseling of women. Dissertation Abstracts International, ٣٢ "١ A", ١٧٠.

- Daniel, Chris "١٩٩٢". Anger control bibliotherapy with a convicted murderer under life sentence: A clinical report. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, ١٨, I١-٢,٩١ + ١٠٠.

Dempsey, Richard "١٩٨٠". Marital adjustment, improved communication and greater self - disclosure as the effects of a weekend rpafriage encounter. Dissertation Abstracts International, ٤٠ "٧ A", ٤٢٥٨.

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