للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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- Detjen, Ervin & Detjen, Mary (١٩٦٣) . Elementary School Guidance. New York: McGraw - Hill.

- Dingman, Robert L. (١٩٩٣) . Professional exchange: Mapping the future. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, ١٥, ٣, ٢٤٠ - ٢٤٣.

- Dingman, Robert L. (١٩٩٥) . The mental health counselor's role in Hurricane Andrew. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, ١٧, ٣, ٣٢١ -٣٣٥.

- Dingman, Robert L. & Ginter, Earl J. (١٩٩٥) . Disasters and crises: The role of mental health counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, ١٧, ٣, ٢٥٩ - ٢٦٣.

- Dinkmeyer, Don (١٩٦٦) . Developmental counseling in the elementary school. Personnel & Guidance Journal, ٤٥, ٢٦٢ - ٢٦٦.

- Dinkmeyer, Don (١٩٩١) . Mental health counseling: A psychoeducational approach. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, ١٣, ١,

٣٧ - ٤٢.

- Dollard, ^Jolin & Miller, Neal (١٩٥٠) . Personality and Psychotherapy: An Analysis in Terms of Learning, Thinking and Culture. New York: McGraw - Hill.

- Downing, Lester N. (١٩٦٨) . Guidance and Counseling Services. New York: McGraw - Hill.

- Drews, Elizabeth (١٩٦٥) . Counseling for self actualizatian for gifted girjs and young women. Journal of Counseling Psychololgy, ١٢, ١٦٧ -١٧٥.

- Ellis, Albert (١٩٧٣) . Rational - Emotive Therapy. Psychology Today. July ١٩٧٣, ٥٦ - ٦٢.

- Ellis, Albert (١٩٧٧) . Rational - emotive therapy and self - help therapy.

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association (San Francisco, California, August ١٩٧٧) (١٧p.) .

- Ewing, Thomas N. (١٩٦٤) . Changing during counseling appropriate to the client's initial problems. Journal of Counseling Psychology, ١١, ١٤٦ - ١٥١.

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