للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة
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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

[مؤلفات بلغات أجنبية]

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Adnan (Adivar), A. La Science chez les Turcs ottomans. Paris, ١٩٣٩.

al- Afghani, Jamal al- Din. L'Islamisme et la science. J. des Debats, ١٨ & ١٩ May ١٨٨٣ (reprinted in Fr. trs. of al- Radd alal- Dhahriyyin).

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Ahmed, J. M. The Intellectual Origins of Egyptian Nationalism. London, ١٩٦٠.

Alexander, J. The Truth about Egypt. London, ١٩١١.

Amin, Osman, Muhammad Abduh, essai sur ses idees philosophiques et religieuses. Cairo, ١٩٤٤.

Anderson, J. N. D. Recent Developments in Shari'a Law. Muslim World, xl (١٩٥٠), ٢٤٤ - ٥٦; xli (١٩٥١), ٣٤ - ٤٨, ١١٣ - ٢٦, ١٨٦ - ١٩٨, ٢٧١ - ٨٨; xlii (١٩٥٢), ٣٣ - ٤٧, ١٢٤ - ٤٠, ١٩٠ - ٢٠٦, ٢٥٧ - ٧٦.

Antonius, G. The Arab Awakening. London ١٩٣٨.

Ataturk, Kemal. Nutuk. Istanbul, ١٩٣٤. ٣ vols. (Fr. trs.: Discours du Ghazi Moustafa Kemal. Leipzig, ١٩٢٩. Eng. trs.: A Speech delivered by Ghazi Moustafa Kemal. Leipzig, ١٩٢٩).

Azoury, N. Le Reveil de la nation arabe. Paris, ١٩٠٥.

al- Banna, Hasan. La Nouvelle Renaissance du Monde Arabe et son Orientation, tr. A. Miquel. Orient, vi (١٩٥٨), ١٣٩ - ٤٤.

Bekdash, K., tr. H. Glidden. Report of the Central Command of the Communist Party in Syria and Lebanon in January ١٩٥١. Middle East J., vii (١٩٥٣), ٢٠٦ - ٢١.

Benattar, C., Sebai, E., and Ettealbi, A. L'Esprit libéral du Coran. Paris, ١٩٠٥.

Bennabi, M. Vocation de l'Islam. Paris, ١٩٥٤.

Berkes, N. The Historical Background of Turkish Secularism in R. Frye, ed., Islam and the West. The Hague, ١٩٥٧, ٤١ - ٦٨.


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