للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة
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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

١٩٥٧. ٢ vols.

Gokalp, Z., tr. and ed. N. Berkes. Turkish Nationalism and Western Civilization. London, ١٩٥٩.

Goldziher, I. Die Richtungen der islamischen Koranauslegung. Leiden, ١٩٢٠.

Graf'G. Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur iii. Rome ١٩٤٩; iv. Rome ١٩٥١.

Grunebaum G. E. von. Islam: Essays in the Nature and Growth of a Cultural Tradition. London ١٩٥٥.

Guizot F. Histoire de la civilisation en Europe. Paris ١٨٣٨.

Haim S. G. Alfieri and al- Kawakibi. Oriente moderno xxxiv (١٩٥٤) ٣٢١ - ٣٤.

- Blunt and al- Kawakibi. Oriente moderno xxxv (١٩٥٥) ١٣٣ - ١٤٣.

- Intorno alle origini della teoria del Panarabismo. Oriente moderno, xxxvi (١٩٥٦), ٤٠٩ - ٢١.

- Islam and the Theory of Arab Nationalism. Welt des Islams, iv (١٩٥٥), ١٢٤ - ٤٩.

Heyd, U. Foundations of Turkish Nationalism. London, ١٩٥٠.

Heyworth- Dunne, J. Introduction to the History of Education in Modern Egypt. London, ١٩٣٨.

Horten, M. Muhammad Abduh: sein Leben und sein theologische- philosophische Gedankenwelt. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Orients, xii (١٩١٥), ٨٥ - ١١٤; xiv (١٩١٦), ٧٤ - ١٢٨.

Hourani, A. H. The Changing Face of the Fertile Crescent in the Eighteenth Century. Studia Islamica, viii (١٩٥٧), ٨٩ - ١٢٢.

- Historians of Lebanon. In B. Lewis and P. M. Holt, Historians of the Middle East. London, ١٩٦٢.

- A Vision of History. Beirut, ١٩٦١.

Hurewitz, J. C. Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East. London, ١٩٥٦. ٢ vols.

Hurgronje, C. Snouck. Verspreide Geschriften, iii. Bonn- Leipzig Hague, ١٩٢٣.

al- Husri, S. Qu'est-ce que le nationalisme, tr. R. Costi. Orient, xii (١٩٥٩), ٢١٥ - ٢٦.

Inal, M. K. Osmanli Devrinde Son Sadriazamlar. Istanbul, ١٩٤٠ - ١٩٥٣. ١٤ pts.

Ismail, A. Histoire du Liban. i, Paris, ١٩٥٥; iv, Beirut, ١٩٥٨.

Jomier, J. Le Commentaire coranique du Manar. Paris, ١٩٥٤.


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