للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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- Armistrong, L. "The Middle East", in Roucek, Josephs (edr) contemporary socialogy, London, peter Owm, ١٩٥٩.

- Almack, J.C., "Research and Thesis Writing". Boston Houghtom miffinco., ١٩٣٠.

- Barzun, J. and Graff, H. F. "Modern Researcher". Rewd Harcourt,


- Compbell, W. G." Form and style in thesis Writing". Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, ١٩٥٤.

- Crouther, J.G. "The social Relations of science". London, The Cresset

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- Conant, J.B. "Modern science and Modern Man". New Yourk, Colombia University Press, ١٩٥٢.

- Chochran, W. G. "Sampling techniques". New Yourk. Johnwiby and

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- Cordasco, F. G. & Carter, S. M. "Research and report writing." N. Y.

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- Davis. R. e. "Bibliography of use studies'\ inst. of technology, ١٩٥٧.

Denzine, N. K., "Research Act, Athepretical Introduction to sociological Method, Aldine", ١٩٧٢.

- Docke, S. & Bernays, P. Information and Predection in science", N.

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- Durant, W. "the story of Civilization". (١٠ vols scianon and Schuster,

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- Dynes, russell R. "Organized Behavior in Disaster Analysis and conceptualization" ohaio disaster research, centers the Ohaio state University, ١٩٦٩.

- Elizabeth Rider Montagomery. "the story behind Great Medical Discoseries". ١٩٤٥.

- Fisher R. A. "The Design of Experiments". New Yourk, Hafner Publishing co., ١٩٦٠.

- Goldhar, H. "Research Methods Inlibrarian ship, Measurmert and

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- Good, william J., and Holt Paul. K."Methods in social Research" New

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- Hall, A. R. "The Scientific Revolution". Macmillan, London, ١٩٥١.

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