للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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- Toser, M. A. "Library Manual". A study work Manual on the Use of

Books and libraries". ٦ the ed. N. Y. wilson, ١٩٦٤.

- U. S. Library of Congress - General Reference and Bibliography Division, Guideto Bibliographic for Research in foreign Affairs, ٢d ed. Wesport, Green wood press, ١٩٧٨.

- Webster, snew callegiate Dictionary. Springfield, Massachusettse, G.

and. Meriam Company, ١٩٧٦.

Williams, C.B. & stevenso. A. H". Research manual. For college studies and papers, ٣d ed. Harper & Rom, N. Y.

- Wilson, E. Bright, Ire. "An Introduction to scientific Research". New

Yourk, Mc Graw- Hill Book. Co. ١٩٥٢.

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