للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

Bury, J.B:- A History of the Later Roman Empire, London ١٩٢٣.

Devreesse, Robert: Arabes-Perses et Arabes-Romains, Lakhmides et Ghassani-des. Revue Biblique II ١٩٤٢.

Grousset, Rene: Histoire de L.htm'Armenie des origines Jusque ١٠٧١-Paris. Jourguet, Pierre: L'Egypt Greco-Romain, Precis de Histoire d'Egypt. t I. Lewis, Bernard:

- An Apocalyptic Vission of Islamic History, in Bulletin of the School of oriental and African Studies. ١٩٥٠.

- On that Day, A Jewish Apocalyptic Poem on the Arabe conquest-Leiden


Miller, J.Innes: The Spice Trade of the Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, ١٩٦٩.

Munier, Henry: L'Egypt Byzantine, Precis de L'Histoire d'Egypt til ١٩٣٢.

Ostrogorsky, G: History of the Byzantine State. Trans by: Joan Hussey. Oxford, ١٩٥٦.

Passder, Madjien: Histoire de L'Armenie Depuis les Origines Jusqu'a Traite de Lousanne, ٢ime Ed. Paris, ١٩٦٣.

Sebeos:- Histoire d'Heracle. Trad. F. Macher, Paris, ١٩٠٤. Vasiliev, A: The Byzantine Empire, Madison ١٩٥٢.

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