للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

٢١٠- Slaby, R. G. & Parke, R. D. "١٩٧١"; Effect of resistance to deviation of observing a model's affective reaction to respons consequences. Developmental Psychology, ٥,٤٠- ٤٧.

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٢١٢- Stevenson, H. W. "١٩٦٨": Developmental Psychology. "In" D. L. Sills "Ed.", International encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. New York: Macmillan, ??, ١٣٦- HO,

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٢١٥- Tinbergen, N. "١٩٥١": The Study of instinct. London: Oxford university Press.

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٢١٧- Turiel, E. & Rothman, R. "١٩٧٢"; The influence of resoning on behavioral choices at different stages of moral development. Child Development, ٤٣, ٧٤١- ٧٥٦.

٢١٨- Vernon, P. E. "١٩٦٠": The structure of human abilities. London: Methuen.

٢١٩- Wheeler, R. J. & Dusek, J. B. "١٩٧٣"; The effects of attention and cognitive factor on children's incidental learning. Child

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٢٢٠- White, s. "١٩٦٥"; Evedence for a hierarchical arrallgement for learning processes. "In" L. P. Lipsitt & C. C. Spliker "Eds.", Advances in child behavior and development. Vol. ٢. New York. Academic Press.

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