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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

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٢٥٠- Walk, R.D.; The devlopment of depth perception in animals and human infants. Monographs of the Society for Research in child development, ١٩٦٦, ٣١, ٨٢-١٠٨.

٢٥١- Walters, R.H. & Park, R.D.; Emotional arousal, isolation, and disctimination learning in children. J. of Experimental child Psychology, ١٩٦٤, ١, ١٦٣-١٧٣.

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٢٥٣- Werner, E.E.; Cross. Cultural child development: A view from planet earth. Monterey, Ca: Brooks Cole.

٢٥٤- White, B.L.; The first three years of life. New York: Prentice Hall, ١٩٩٠.

٢٥٥- Wohlwill, J.F.; The study of behavioeral development. New York: Academic Press, ١٩٧٣.

٢٥٦- Youniss, J.; Parents and peers in the social environment: A sullivan Piaget perspective. Chicago: university of Chicago Press, ١٩٨٠.

٢٥٧- Zangwill, O.L.; Cerebral dominance and it.htm's relation to Psychological Function. London: Oliver and body, ١٩٧٠.

٢٥٨- Zaporozhets, A.V. & Zaporozhets, V.; The development of Perception in the perschool child, "in" P. Mussen "Ed." Monographs Of the society for the Research in child Development, ١٩٦٥, ٣٠, "٢" No ١٠٠.

٢٥٩- Zuckerman, M., Sensation Seeking: Beyond the optimal level of arousal. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, ١٩٧٩.

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