للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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Shaw, R.D.

* " The Fall of the Visigothic Power in Spain " The English Historical

Review, XXI, ١٩٠٦.

Simonet, F.J.

* Glosario de voces ibericas y Latinas usandas entre los Mozarabes, Am-

sterdam, ١٩٦٧, reprint of Madrid edition, ١٨٨٨.

Thompson, E.A.

* The Goths in Spain, Oxford, ١٩٦٩.

Watt, M.

* A History of Islamic Spain, Islamic Surreys ٤, Edinburgh, ١٩٦٧.

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