للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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١٠- Bloch, Bernard: Phonemic Overlapping.

American "Speech", No. ١٦, pp. ٢٧٨ - ٢٨٤, ١٩٤١.

١١- Bloch, Bernard:

Outline Of Linguistic Analysis.

Baltimore, Linguistic Society Of America, ١٩٤٢.

١٢ - Bloch, Bernard:

A Set of Postulates For Phonemic Anlysis. "Language", XXIV, pp. ٣ - ٣٦, ١٩٤٨.

١٣ - Bridgman, p. w.:

The Intelligent Individual And Society. ١٤-Bridman, P. W.:

Logic Of Modern Physics.

١٥ - Bloomfield, Leonard: Language.

Copyright in U. S. A. ١٩٣٣. Revised And First Published In Great Britain, ١٩٣٥; Reprinted London, George Allen And Unwin, ١٩٥٠.

١٦ - Bodmar, Fredrick: The Loom of Language.

New York, Lancelot Hogben, ١٩٤٤.

١٧ - Bulletin Of The School'of Oriental And African Studie: London,


١٨ - Buck, Carl Darling:

A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms In The Principal Indo-European Languages: AContribution To The History of Ideas.

Chicago, University of Chicago Press XIX, ١٩٤٩. ١٩-Carroll, John B.:

The Study of Language: A Survey of Linguistics And Related Disciplines In America.

Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (U. S. A.)

٣ rd Printing ١٩٥٩. (١ st ed. ١٩٥٣) . ٢٠ - Chase, Stuart:

The Tyranny of Words.

New York, Harcourt Brace, ١٩٣٨.

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