للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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٢١ - Coustenobl, Helene N. And Armstrong, Lilas E.: Studies In French

Intonation. W. Heffer & Sons ltd., Cambridge, First Edition, ١٩٣٤

٢٢ - Diringer, David:

The Alphabet, A Key To The History of Mankind. New York, Philosophical Library, ١٩٤٨.

٢٣ - Driver, G. R.:

Semitic Writing From Pictograph to Alphabet. London, ١٩٤٨.

٢٤ - Firth, John Rupert: Speech.

Been; ١٩٣٠.

٢٥ - Firth, J. R:

The Word'Phoneme.

"Le Maitre Phonetique", No. ٤٦, ١٩٣٤.

٢٦ - Firth, J. R.:

The Technique of Semantics

Transactions of The Philological Society of Great Britain, ١٩٣٥.

٢٧ - Firth, J. R.:

The Use And Distribution of Certain English Sounds.. "English Studies" XVII, ١ Februry ١٩٣٥.

٢٨ - Firth, J. R.:

The Tongues of Men.

Watts And Company, London, ١٩٣٧. ٢٩-Firth, J. R.:

The Semantics of Linguistic Science.

"Lingua", Volume I, ٤ Sept. ١٩٤٨. ٣٠-Firth, J. R.:

Sounds And Prosdoies.

Transactions of The Philogical Society of Great Britain, ١٩٤٨. ٣١ -Firth, J. R.:

The Technique of Semantics.

"Lingua", Volume I, ٤ Sept. ١٩٤٨.

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