للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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٣٢ - Firth, J. R.: Word-Palatograms And Articulation

Bulletin of the School of Oriental And African Studies, (University of London) XII, ٣ - ٤, ١٩٤٩.

٣٣ - Firth, J. R.:

Improved Techniques in Palatography.

Bulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies, XIII, ٣,١٩٥٦.

٣٤ - Firth, J. R.:

Personality And Language In Society.

The Sociological Review (Journal of the Institute of Sociology, Ledbury, Hereforshire, England) Vol XLII, Section Two, ١٩٥.

٣٥ - General Linguistics And Descriptive Grammar. Transactions of The Philogical Society of Great Britain, ١٩٥١. (Republished In. Firth, J. R.: Papers In Linguistics, pp. ٢١٦ - ٢٢٨) .

٣٦ - Firth, J. R.:

Transactions of The Philogical Society of Great Britain pp. ٨٣ - ١٠٣, ١٩٥٥.

٣٧ - Firth, J. R.:

(Professor Emeritus of General Linguistics, University of London) .

Papers In Linguistics ١٩٣٤ - ١٩٥١.

London, Oxford University Press, New York, Toronto, ١٩٥٧.

٣٨ - Fries, Charles C.:

The Structure Of English An: Introduction To The Study Of English

Sentences. New York, Hacourt, Brace, ١٩٥٢.

٣٩ - Gairdner, W. H. T.:

The Phonetics of Arabic. A Phonetic Inquiry And Practical Manual For The Pronunciation of Classical Arabic And of One Colloquial (The Egyption)


٤٠ - Gardiner, A H:

The Theory of Speech and Language. Oxford, Clarendon Press, ١٩٣٢.

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