للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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٦١ - Jspersen, Otto:

The Philosophy Of Grammar.

London, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., Reprinted ١٩٤٨ (First Published in ١٩٢٤) .

٦٢ - Jspersen, Otto:

Mankind, Nation And Individual from a Linguistic Point of Vew. London, ١٩٤٦. (Oslo ١٩٢٥) .

٦٣ - Jspersen, Otto:

Language: Its Nature, Development And Origin. London, George Allen and Ltd., (١ st Published ١٩٢٢) . Reprinted ١٩٤٧.

٦٤ - Jones, Daniel:

An Outline of English Phonetics. Sixth Edition, Heffer, Cambridge, ١٩٤٧.

٦٥ - Jones, Daniel: Chronemes, And Tonemes Acta L' nguistica.

٦٦ - Joos, Dartin: Acoustic Phonetics.

"Language Monograpgs" No. ٢٣, ١٩٤٨.

٦٧ - Joos, Martin: Editor of:

Readings In Linguistics: The development of Descriptive Lingustics in

America Since ١٩٢٥. Second Edition, Edited for the Committee on Language Programs. American Council of Learned Societies, New York, ١٩٥٤ (Lithographed in the U. S. A. by The Art Litho Company, Baltimore,

Maryland) .

٦٨ - Korzybski, Alfred:

Science And Sanity; An Introduction To Non - Aristotilian System

And General Semantics. Lancaster, Science Press, ١٩٣٣.

٦٩ - Lee, Irving:

Language Habits In Human Affairs, An Introduction to General Semantics. New York, Haper, ١٩٤١.

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