للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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٧٠ - Lewis, M. M.:

Language In Society.

London, Nelson, ١٩٤٧. ٧١-Lg:

Language: Journal Of The Linguistic Society of America.

Baltimore. ١٩٢٥ -.

٧٢ - Mac Carthy, Peter A. D.:

English Pronunciation, A Pratical Handbook for the Foreign Learner. Therd edition, Heffer, Cambridge, ١٩٤٧.

٧٣ - Malinowski, Bronislaw:

The Problem of Meaning In Primitive Language.

(Supplement I, pp. ٢٩٦ - ٣٣٦ In Ogden And Richards) : The Meaning

of Meuing, (١ sted., ١٩٢٣) . Tenth ed., Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., London, ١٩٤٩.

٧٤ - Malinowski, Bronislaw:

Coral Gardens And Their Magic: A Study of The Methods Of Tilling The Soil And Of Agricultural Rites In The Trobriand Islanders. ٢ Vol.

London, George Allen & Unwin, ١٩٣٥.

٧٥ - Mandelbaum, David G. (Editor) :

Selected Writings of Edward Sapir In Language, Culture, And Personality. Berkeley And Los Angeles, University Of California Press, ١٩٤٩.

٧٦ - Mitchell, T. F.:

The Active participle An Arabic Dialect of Cyrenaica. Bulletin of The School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) , XIV, Part ١. ١٩٥٢.

٧٧ - Mitchell, T. F.:

An Introduction to Egyption Colloquial Arabic. Geoffry Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, London New York, Torornto, Oxford University Press, Amen House, Lonon ١٠٥٦.

٧٨ - Mitchell, T. F.:

The Language of Buying and Selling in Cyrenaica; A Situational Statement.

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